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Digestion trigger???
March 01, 2017 07:24PM
Has anyone noticed a direct correlation between a BM passing through their large intestine / colon? The only reason I ask if that sometimes I feel fluttery, then a few minutes later, I have a bowel movement. So, I assume the bonus of digesta is stimulating the vagus nerve or even the heart while in the part of the intestine that loops back up next to the heart. Am I imagining things or is it the anxiety / nerves stimulating the GI tract not the GI tract stimulating the circulatory system?
Re: Digestion trigger???
March 01, 2017 10:24PM

It is common for digestion issues in some people to stimulate the vagus nerve and be a trigger or at least cause Pac's. GERD, gas & etc, too. I recall there was a discussion in CR61 <[www.afibbers.org]

My experience with various vagal triggers is that I'm sensitive to them when my electrolytes are imbalanced (primarily magnesium -too little and calcium - too much). When the electrolytes are balanced, then I'm relatively immune.

Re: Digestion trigger???
March 02, 2017 07:16AM
Yes, yes, and yes.

Movement of the large intestine can easily trigger PACs. I find I'm far more sensitive to it if I'm dehydrated.
Re: Digestion trigger???
March 02, 2017 01:16PM
Thanks! I just wondered if it happened to other people as well. And, yes, dehydration makes every trigger more sensitive!
Re: Digestion trigger???
March 02, 2017 03:40PM
Yes definitely in fact struggling right now with a cold which is affecting my stomach. Every time I eat top of my stomach bloats out and PACs arrive which are only relieved by burping. I think my stomach must be inflamed from constant nasal drip. The PACs don't go to afib now but still scare me to death as they used to ! (I'm 4yrs post ablation). My only relief is to walk around rubbing my stomach to move the gas elsewhere. I'm trying out some home made ginger root tea which seems to help. Hoping they will go away when the cold moves on šŸ˜‰
Re: Digestion trigger???
March 05, 2017 12:11PM
Heather...That's what I used to get often...burping like Mount Vesuvius, which always heralded heart pauses, followed by AF hours later. Antacids hardly worked, not that reducing stomach acidity is a good thing. The burping never seemed caused by indigestion as far as I could tell.
Re: Digestion trigger???
March 05, 2017 01:32PM
Most often, stomach acid issues, burping and belching occur because of lack of enough natural stomach acid rather than too much. Sounds weird, but it's true. Many people are deficient in key nutrients such as vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) and zinc which are fundamental to making one's own stomach acid. Also, if that person's tissue pH is overly acidic, then that ties in with inability to make natural stomach acid. The remedies are to assist with breaking down food into a slurry so it can be utilized by the digestive process. If not, then the clumps of food just lie there and rot.. (putrify) and form bloating, gas, belching and pain. Worse, you don't harvest the nutrients from food and that leads to vitamin and mineral deficiencies which lie at the very heart or core of many health complications.

There are advocates of using organic apple cider vinegar about 30 minutes before a meal to help with digestion.
Digestive enzymes that break down protein and fats are helpful and often the addition of betaine hydrochloride helps break down proteins that otherwise can't be broken down when there is inadequate natural stomach acid. Others find that ginger helps with stomach discomfort. Making the magnesium bicarbonate home made concentrate which we call Waller Water or WW, helps promote natural stomach acid formation because it helps alkalize tissue pH.

There are many past posts on both the WW and also the work by Jerry Tennant, MD, on the importance of alkalizing. Do a search on his name or Healing is Voltage. There is this report on Alkalinity, Healing, pH and Voltage...

Many on the WW - do a search on that but start here - the recipe for making your own concentrate is in this post...
It's an easy, economical and effective way of alkalizing for health

Refer to this report "No More Heartburn" in the Resources section [www.afibbers.org]

Re: Digestion trigger???
March 05, 2017 03:12PM
Hey Jackie,

Well, now I know why I've not had the problem much when using the NutriBullet a couple times a week. I add Kombucha too, and the slurry from that mixture would make the residents of Pompeii think Vesuvius was alive again. Amazing how things inter-relate.

thumbs up
Re: Digestion trigger???
March 05, 2017 04:02PM
Both good choices, Phill... good for you!

Re: Digestion trigger???
March 06, 2017 01:29AM
How much magnesium should you take in addition to the WW? If you drink 1 1/2 litres of the water, how much magnesium glycinate would you take?
Re: Digestion trigger???
March 06, 2017 08:49AM
Amy - this is highly individualized and depends on how Mg depleted you are, how rapidly your body uses available Mg... that is, if you have high stress or heavy exercise, then you deplete quickly and typically can tolerate higher magnesium intake. Bowel tolerance is the dosing guideline. As with any type of magnesium intake, start with low dosing and ramp up to bowel tolerance gradually and then adjust downward just slightly so it's comfortable. Diarrhea is counterproductive.

With the WW, make a batch and slowly add that intake to your capsule amount. Or if you can drink the WW regularly throughout the day, then use the WW as your main source but add capsules as well if you don't reach bowel tolerance. This requires some experimenting. If I'm not going to be home and it won't be easy to carry enough of the WW with me, then I take magnesium glycinate capsules that day and just add what WW when convenient.

That said... this magnesium bicarbonate ion form is highly beneficial so I'm glad you are interested in including it in your daily regimen.

The following explanation may help... I hope it's not confusing. .... from my notes when we were first introducing the WW concentrate.

One (1) liter of concentrated magnesium bicarbonate water will have approximately 1500 mg of magnesium and approximately 7500 mg of bicarbonate

There are 33.814 ounces in one literā€¦ just a bit more than 1 quart.

1500 divided by 33.8 = 45.45 mg magnesium/ounce of WW concentrateā€¦

While 45 mg doesnā€™t seem like much, keep in mind that according to what Erlingā€™s research produced way back when during the formulation of the home version of the commercially-available, patented Unique Waterā€¦ we learned that
Magnesium dissolved in water (ionized) is said to be about 30% more "bio-available" than when in a tablet or capsule form.

To get the approximate equivalent amount of magnesium in a bound (non-ionized) tablet form add 30% to the values for Mg in this water. So in this case 45 mg magnesium in one ounce of concentrate x 30% would be 135 mg magnesium.

Erlingā€™s research also indicates this excerpt: ā€¦ ā€œMagnesium-bicarbonate is a molecule that apparently does not dissociate into its constituent Mg++ and HCO3- ions until it enters cellsā€¦. which is very important on several levels.ā€ (end).

However, since many afibbers need to have daily intake of magnesium around 600-800 mg and higher, combining both capsules and the WW give the best possible chance to reach our max tolerance consistently.

Go slowlyā€¦ low dosing and space it out throughout the day. Don't try to reach your max on the first few days. This is a "process" and it's dynamic. Some days, you'll require and tolerate more...other days, much less.

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