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When Is Generic Eliquis Available?

Posted by tvanslooten 
When Is Generic Eliquis Available?
December 16, 2016 01:44AM
I'm working on putting together an article for my blog on this topic and I'm having a heck of a time understanding drugs and their patent expirations. I'm hoping some of the smarter minds in here can lend a helping hand.

Right now I just want to know what the earliest date will be when generic Eliquis will be available. After reading through the following resources, it seems they all say something different. I *think* Eliquis is protected from generic versions through at least 2022 but I can't tell. If any of you can make heads or tails of this I'd appreciate it!

This source seems to indicate 2022:

This source doesn't mention 2022 but it shows a 2023 date?

This source mentions 2023:

Re: When Is Generic Eliquis Available?
December 17, 2016 10:35PM
I know it is expensive big time; I believe generic will not be possible for over 5 years. Doctors like Eliquis because of its half life and other factors....
Any anticoagulant besides Coumadin is a Major expense and I will be on one of them for life. I had my LAA ablated in June of 2016. I had a TEE ran to see if I could get off blood thinners but I failed.

I hate taking blood thinners BUT it is a sacrifice for NSR. What gets me is you can buy Eliquis, Xarelto etc for half the price thru Canadian Pharmacies but it does not work with Medicare. You get in the loop hole really quick with these new blood thinners; A major expense.
Re: When Is Generic Eliquis Available?
December 20, 2016 09:08PM
Hi Travis,

The definitive source for patent expiration dates is the FDA orange book at

Orange book

Please note that there are 2 types of market protections. They are patents and exclusivity. Patents last for 20 years, starting from the issue date by the patent office. This can be years before completion of clinical trials and FDA approval. Exclusivity is exclusive marketing rights granted by the FDA upon approval of a drug and can run concurrently with a patent or not. Exclusivity varies but for apixaban is 5 years which means 12/28/17. All of this is found in the orange book.

A patent can sometimes be extended through a number of means. See article on

Drug Patents

This is a complicated area and my comments only touch the surface. Good luck on your article.

Re: When Is Generic Eliquis Available?
December 20, 2016 09:51PM
I know I have stated this before but the cost of Eliquis or Xarelto or Pradaxa is totally out of control but top Physicians want you to use this drug because it works well. I totally believe my EP about Eliquis; 100%.

The problem is the cost of these blood thinners. We are big time over priced in The USA and I am only comparing this cost to reputable Canadian Pharmacies. The problem with Canadian pharmacies is they do not take MEDICARE or any USA Insurance company so it would only work for you if you had no prescription insurance.

The price of Eliquis and its competitors is HALF in Canada. Something is wrong when we have to choose between food or drugs needed to live a quality life. This price is absurd.

The pharmaceutical companies are price gouging inThe USA. It's all over the news. Look at the Epi pen......
Re: When Is Generic Eliquis Available?
January 01, 2017 05:29PM
Eliquis (5 mg) at Canada Drugs... approximately $105 / month.

Coumadin in USA (Walmart)... $3.33 / month.


Updated As of 7/7/17:

Eliquis (5 mg) at Canada Drugs... approximately $82.50 / month.

Coumadin in USA (Walmart)... $3.33 / month.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/07/2017 05:23PM by LarryG.
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