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In Memoriam

Posted by Jackie 
In Memoriam
October 06, 2016 06:11PM
In Memoriam

Our long-time readers will remember the many useful posts from over 10 years ago by Trent. He and I shared frequent emails as he honed his search to conquer Afib and actually did become Afib free once he became gluten free.

Trent’s wife, Barbro, notified Wednesday me that he had been mercifully liberated from his suffering caused by an obscure, debilitating neuro-muscular disorder which had progressively dominated his life and worsened significantly during the last four or five years. He and I began having conversations about his various health issues about 12 years ago so I knew full well how frustrated and annoyed he was growing over the lack of effective treatment options. While this is sad news, I am relieved that he is no longer miserable as his struggle was huge.

Rest in Peace, Trent.


Previous contributions by Trent
Re: In Memoriam
October 07, 2016 03:20AM
Thank you Jackie for letting us know. I'm very sorry to hear about Trent. Trent suffered from what appeared to be a case of post polio, also called late
effects of polio, the original bout of wild virus polio he had contracted as an infant, if I recall accurately after some years now since speaking with Trent.

Trent and I conversed on the phone over a long period too, with me having had to retire at age 38 from the company I had built over 12 years due to onset of post-polio muscle atrophy from polio I contracted from the oral vaccine at 10 years old. Some aspects of Trent's symptoms were a bit atypical with post-polio and some were consistent. I know he suffered greatly from his neuromuscular issues and I believe he had another serious ailment as well.

Rest In Peace Trent,

Re: In Memoriam
October 09, 2016 03:19PM
Sincere condolences to family, friends and forum members that knew him.

Rest in peace, Trent.

Thanks for sharing, J.

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