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Cardiologist appointment

Posted by Joyce 
Cardiologist appointment
September 26, 2016 09:11PM
My first outpatient appointment ever with a cardiologist on Thurs. Not very organised thought wise as OH has been/is in his own state of danger and won't be my second set of ears.
Not sure what my heart is doing as fairly calm on bisoprolol, BP very low for me 100/70 varies a bit, also on Ramipril 1.25mg once or twice a day depending how dodgy my BP is..... too low = dizzy. Had to come off furosemide, made matters worse and I don't seem to have fluid retention.

Questions in mind at the moment are whether there is any gross muscular or valve problem or whether solely electrical issues.

I've written out a brief history spanning 1970's when I had treatment for hyperthyroid and 'palpitations' to present - long gap of occasional afib until June this year when went to hospital for first time after odd afib, rapid heart rate, unusual beats and the eieio's.......... which were on and off for 2 days..... and continued in hospital.

Lots of edits as on new iPad and I don't yet know how to save stuff disappearing in dodgy wifi area!

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2016 09:28PM by Joyce.
Re: Cardiologist appointment
September 27, 2016 12:06PM
Hello Joyce, welcome!
Since it's your first visit to a cardiologist I believe you're off on the right foot having everything you think necessary about your medical history at your finger tips. IMO, what you want to do is establish a strong communication relationship with the doctor. Be certain he responds to your questions in words you understand. Do not let him/her brush off questions; "What do you mean?" is often your best reply. In a slang word a cardiologist is a plumber; the cardiology specialist who knows most about your heart's rhythm mechanism is an electrophysiologist, EP, or an electrician in slang. The cardiologist will most likely order an ECG to see how your ticker is functioning but he may want you to see an EP. early on in your treatment plan. In any event you want to know what the treatment plan is in the most detailed fashion you can understand.

Regarding any medications either the plumber or electrician may prescribe, your questions should be:
What is the medication supposed to do?
What can I expect?
What are the side effects?
How do I stop the medication if I cannot tolerate it?

I hope this is a satisfactory starter. Good luck!
Re: Cardiologist appointment
September 27, 2016 05:08PM
Welcome, Joyce.
One of the questions to pursue is the association between your long-standing hyperthyroidism and the arrhythmia.
While it may not be related, it is important to rule out because either hyper- or hypo-thyroidism can cause arrhythmia.
Thyroid medications that have worked well in the past, may need to be revised with aging...so don't overlook that aspect.

I hope the cardiologist does recommend seeing the EP specialist so you make quick progress.

We'll be watching for your report.

Best to you,
Re: Cardiologist appointment
September 27, 2016 05:36PM
Thank you for your responses, JayBros and Jackie.

My thyroid is supposed to be OK according to 2 recent blood tests, but I Intend to ask for figures as I think UK might be a bit more lax than US. In the 70's it may have been related to giving birth, but it had occurred to me that I might have had a blip, enough to upset my heart, which had settled by the time my blood was taken 5 days later.

I haven't ruled out following Shannon's advice to see Sabine Ernst in London if problem is mainly electrical.

Thanks again, will report back smiling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/27/2016 05:44PM by Joyce.
Re: Cardiologist appointment
September 30, 2016 09:05PM
Brief note re yesterday.

Seems mainly electrical problem, recommends cardioversion and change just before to sotolol, and keep on that after. Needs my INR to be bit higher and more stable.
Ball in my court as to whether ......

Debating with myself and checking though Han's' books again!
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