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Angry with myself over Perm A/fib

Posted by afibbers 
Angry with myself over Perm A/fib
August 10, 2016 07:07PM
Dear Afibbers ,
It is a long time since I have posted on our forum but I am now 71 and generally in good health apart from my Perm A/fib which makes me so angry .
I am finding that my wife says that I am very disagreeable about most things and I just throw my hands up in the air and walk away in a rage .
I have had all blood tests and they a are fine , my B/P is good and my energy levels have improved with having B12 injections and taking Furosemide 40mg daily .
I just get angry that "Why Me" ? , I have had A/Fib now for 20 years and after having a failed Maze treatment when I had my Aorta Valve replace (ATS) 10 years ago I often get angry that the surgeon botched the maze treatment and never once apologised .
I know that what I am saying is probably happening to many other people but I just need to vent on this matter ..

Best wishes to you all .....Kevin
Re: Angry with myself over Perm A/fib
August 10, 2016 09:29PM
I also was awhile AFIB, and then in and out of it. NSR now, but I was definately more irritable and just not as calm when I was in AFIB vs NSR. What is your Average HR? I found that getting my Fibbing HR down in the 70's close to where my normal NSR rate was helped with the symptoms greatly.
Re: Angry with myself over Perm A/fib
August 11, 2016 11:27PM
Think my mag & K supplementation, exercise, meditation, hobbies, decent diet, family & friends and the SW Florida sun & air help keep me calm.

Hope things improve for ya, K.

Re: Angry with myself over Perm A/fib
August 12, 2016 03:47PM
I understand where you're coming, from mostly from my wife's excruciating experiences with RA and how it has wrecked her feet and hands. Her surgeon, one of the best in the country and the foot and ankle specialist for one of the NFL teams, told her once, "There's no condition that surgery can't make worse." That's why medicine is really a mixture of art and science. My father's (a surgeon and darn good one) comment to me on a vasectomy that didn't go completely well, "Sloppy job!" For us a simpler approach is having the "serenity to accept what we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Her outlook, to say absolutely nothing of her exceptional tolerance for pain, is a model for all of us. Don't beat up on yourself and good luck.
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