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Junctional Heart beats

Posted by afibbers 
Junctional Heart beats
March 18, 2016 12:47PM
I had a successful ablation 8 years ago. Recently I started having quite a bit of pac/pvc activity. I thought I might be having some breakthrough afib. My EKGs this afternoon show no afib, but some definite junctional beats which I sometimes feel. I was assured that this is a benign condition, but my doctor has me on Elliquis as a precaution. He says I can try a 50 mg. of flecainide as a pill in hte pocket as well if they are particularly bothersome.

Has anyone else experienced this sort of problem?
Re: Junctional Heart beats
March 18, 2016 05:30PM
Yes, after my last ablation (first left atrium ablation). After a while I began walking stairways with some co-workers as exercise. I was noticing a weird dis-rhythm. After a few times of this happening, I left work and went to an EMS office and had an EKG. I could still feel the weird rhythm but the guy was telling me my EKG strip was normal. This went on another two weeks, only under exertion and I noticed soon after my morning dose of Flecainide.
Finally had an appointment with my EP doc he said yes junctional beats....no problem. Well for me it was, because I was symptomatic. I suspected the Flecainide. He doubted it but we reduced the dose and it went away.
Re: Junctional Heart beats
March 18, 2016 07:16PM
Tsco... Almost a year ago, we had discussed the potential for flecainide to cause weird beats and fluctuations in this Flecainide Alert post. Since your strips interpreted as normal, I presume that it is once again the recurrence of your reaction to the fluorinated compound, flecainide... just as it was in mine...and the 'jitters' I would feel in my chest ... which my doctor thought also involved my thyroid...since the fluoride in flecanide interferes with iodine and subsequently, thyroid function. Once off the flecanide, those sensations stopped for me. Jackie

Following is your previous post in response to the Flecainide Alert post... you can go there and review again.

Tsco [ PM ]
Re: Flecainide and calcium carbonate interaction
May 13, 2015 08:11AM Registered: 2 years ago
Posts: 164
OK so now we are all afraid of Flecainide!!

These drugs are dangerous. I have recently (1 yr post ablation) reduced my Flec to once a day. I cant believe the difference so far in my body. I pretty much have to have it also in some dose to dilute my pac's I get that drive me crazy (and that kick start some afib). Anyway all of that breathlessness and fatigue I thought was caused by my heart going bad was Flec. All of those other creepy rythms (Junctional, LBBcool smiley were caused by Flec. At least it affected or magnified these problems. I know this now.
It is a good drug for us but it is dangerous.

Contents: Flecainide Alert

I. Introduction - The Science
II. Detrimental Effects of Fluoride on the Body
III. Sources of Fluoride - some hidden; some, not.
IV. Remedy Considerations
V. Research & Reference URLs

The Class Ic Antiarrhythmic, Flecainide Acetate, is a fluorinated drug compound that partially metabolizes or breaks down to fluoride measureable in serum samples. Fluoride is a known poison that has cumulative, toxic effects in the body. Damage to the body from fluoride toxicity is documented in large numbers of studies and includes myocardial dysplasia, interference with critical ion pumps and enzymes, breakdown of collagen, dysfunction of thyroid gland and other tissues by iodide displacement along with other damaging interferences including osteoporosis, cancer, injury to the central nervous system by an excitotoxic mechanism and a profound, prolonged effect on the brain promoting violent behavior, uncontrollable aggression, hostility and more. Afibbers need to be aware of the cumulative effects of fluoride exposure from all sources both hidden and overt. This report is intended to inform and educate about the detrimental effects of intentionally adding to one’s fluoride toxic bioburden.

If you also do a search on the word, Flecainide, you’ll see a large number of discussions about people’s reactions and experiences to using flecainide. Additionally, there is also a past post on the chemical composition of flecainide that should be noted as well, titled Flecainide Alert …you can find with a search …it’s in two parts… One about the toxicity of flecainide because it is a fluorinated compound and Part 2 about the Brain Toxicity that can result as well. Helps explain why some people don't feel well when using flecainide. I was one, but unfortunately, it was also the one that worked best.
Re: Junctional Heart beats
March 19, 2016 02:10PM
I forgot about that post... Yes Jackie thanks so much. I guess we need to remember we all don't react or even notice some of the affects of the drugs we take.
I am still on a small dose. And seem to tolerate it ok but everyone just needs to be aware of what's going on in their bodies and I will say my Ep who is a fantastic doctor acted lilies I was crazy the first time with my LBBB vlaims to flec and then again with the junction all claims. It may have been an act I'm not sure because I realize in a lot of cases like me and pac's I realize you have to pick the best or worse of two evils!
Re: Junctional Heart beats
March 24, 2016 10:06PM
With Junctional heartbeats which my doctor says is a benign condition, what is the general thinking on blood thinners? My doctor tells me I have no afib, but still he has me on eliiquis. I am borderline on the chad score, a two I believe, with treated high blood pressure. So if there is no afib, what is the thinking on taking the blood thinner? I am considering taking my self off. I also am pretty certain that I would know if I were in afib just as I did prior to the ablation. Thanks for thoughts on this...
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