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Fluticasone Propionate and AFIB

Posted by KenH 
Fluticasone Propionate and AFIB
December 07, 2015 10:23PM
I have not posted in quite a while but I had something interesting happen that I thought I would share.

My AFIB background was that I was diagnosed with AFIB back in September of 2003 and struggled with it until I was ablated by Dr. Natale in July of 2013. All has been great since then up until now. I was having some allergy issues and my doctor prescribed Fluticasone Propionate better known as Flonase I guess, after using it for a very brief time my heart started to rebel, I have been having a lot of ectopics for a number of days but I don't believe any AFIB. The interesting point is I went back to my medical records and on 7/18/03 I was prescribed Flonase and on 9/29/03 I was diagnosed with AFIB. I don't know for sure but it sure seems a little coincidental that I start on Flonase again and now my heart is rebelling, hopefully I don't end up going down the AFIB path again.


Re: Fluticasone Propionate and AFIB
December 07, 2015 10:56PM
I had my first afib events in 1995-6 using Seldane then Claritine. I don't use any prescription allergy medicine since. Eyedrops (Systane) and saline nose spray (Ocean Spray) as needed works fine especially since I cleaned up my diet and my allergies are much reduced. I also have an air filter (Austin Air) in my bedroom so I don't have issues when I'm sleeping. Every doctor I've talked to poo-poo's my suspicion that the allergy medications caused my afib but the one season I was taking Seldane I felt terrible every time I took it. I knew nothing of arrythmia's at that point so never checked my pulse. I'm suspicious of all drugs, I think we're all Guinea pigs when we take any prescription drug.
Re: Fluticasone Propionate and AFIB
December 08, 2015 12:26AM
I'm not sure if Flonase is considered a high-dose steroid or not, but there is a link b/n high-dose steroids and afib:

Corticosteroids and the Risk of Atrial Fibrillation (Cited by 80)

For those susceptible to afib, perhaps the effect is also present... for lower doses of steroids?
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