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Happy Thanksgiving All!
November 25, 2015 05:31PM
Wishing all our Afibbers here a very Happy Thanksgiving and beginning of this new Holiday Season!

I, too, am very grateful for so many friends and compatriots here sharing in our life long discovery of how best we each can navigate our own journey and challenges with AFIB. And all the while, in the process, share so many truly valuable insights and guidelines that can be so successfully applied to so many other areas of life beyond AFIB.

We are all blessed to have found this little oasis that Hans and Judi Larsen first cobbled together so many years ago. And it is each and every one of you that help continue making it what it is, in each your own ways.

Many thanks again to all of you and enjoy your families over the long weekend!

Best Wishes,

Re: Happy Thanksgiving All!
November 25, 2015 06:18PM
Thank you and best wishes Shannon. Our conversations have given me much needed peace of mind and much information. And the same to all of the good people here who share every new bit of knowledge, not just about afib, but health in general. This is an oasis and makes me thankful this holiday season.

All the best of the season to everyone.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving All!
November 25, 2015 10:58PM
Thanks Shannon - So many things for which to be thankful.

A peaceful heart tops my list and I second your comment about being blessed to have the advantage of "this little oasis" for which we can all be grateful as it continues to grow in the wealth of helpful, timely guidance not only for afib but for our overall health as well. It's an everyday thankfulness and not limited to this holiday.

My special thanks to you, Shannon, for your selfless dedication and huge effort to keep this Afibbers forum the most valuable resource online today.

Best wishes back to you (and everyone) for a peaceful, relaxing, long Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving All!
November 26, 2015 03:45AM
Happy Thanksgiving Shannon! You deserve many thanks for the yeoman's job you do keeping this going, coaching people and keeping all of us abreast of the latest information!

Re: Happy Thanksgiving All!
November 26, 2015 01:25PM
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I so appreciate the hard work and the incite Shannon and Jackie have shared on this forum. I have learned so much! Thank you for your dedication!

Re: Happy Thanksgiving All!
November 27, 2015 01:32AM
Yes, thank you Shannon and Jackie and all of the other kind people who have helped me this year. 8 months ago I was quite sick and anxious as my Afib was progressing very quickly. Happily after my Natale ablation I am now back in Sinus Rhythm. I am very thankful for this site and all of the kind people who have provided very wise counsel.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving All!
November 28, 2015 06:11PM

Best wishes to all!

Re: Happy Thanksgiving All!
November 30, 2015 04:37PM
Same to you Shannon. All the best.
Re: Happy Thanksgiving All!
November 30, 2015 11:01PM
Happy Thanksgiving! So grateful for all of you!

Re: Happy Thanksgiving All!
December 01, 2015 06:58AM
I would also add that an unexpected side effect of joining this group and being treated for my AFib is that it has made me a much more proactive participant in my health. It really is noticable and really great. So thanks for that too!

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