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Quick PAC/PVC vs AFIB question
November 04, 2015 04:45AM
Sometimes at night (like just now) I get a run of whats either clustered pac/pvc's or a quick bout of afib. It doesn't last more then a second.

Does this happen to anyone else? And also, does it matter? They say "afib begets afib", but would something that short really cause the heart to remodel?

And actually, is this the sort of thing that flec is supposed to prevent from happening?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/04/2015 04:47AM by erich.
Re: Quick PAC/PVC vs AFIB question
November 04, 2015 07:40AM
How do you know this is going on? Do you just feel it, or do you have some kind of Heart Monitor?
There is no way any damage is occurring at that short of duration. Perhaps whatever is going could get worse though.

AFIB begets AFIB is more like hours and hours of AFIB, not a second here or there.
Re: Quick PAC/PVC vs AFIB question
November 04, 2015 02:16PM
I concur with AF that a second or two is not something to worry about. I would not ramp up a flec dosage to prevent it.

I know in myself, I sometimes "feel" things in my heart area that I perceive as PAC's/PVC's, however sampling my radial pulse with my finger reveals NSR. So, without a monitor, it is hard to diagnose.

Re: Quick PAC/PVC vs AFIB question
November 04, 2015 04:22PM
> How do you know this is going on? Do you just feel it, or do you have some kind of Heart Monitor?

I just feel it. It's probably less then a second, so without 24/7 heart monitoring, I'd never be able to catch it.

Thanks for the general input guys, I agree with that something that short shouldn't affect things, but I thought I'd get a sounding board on it!

Re: Quick PAC/PVC vs AFIB question
November 04, 2015 06:18PM
I also get them like a cluster of pac's, it feels like a buzz almost in my heart sometimes. I just ignore it even tho at times it catches me off-guard. I think ultimately it is afib but just not sustained.
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