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Splinter hemorrhages

Posted by RonM 
Splinter hemorrhages
September 21, 2015 06:33PM
Good afternoon,

Does anyone have any information regarding splinter hemorrhages. I have 2 on my right hand & am wondering if i should be concerned. Also, have you experienced these yourself.

Re: Splinter hemorrhages
September 22, 2015 01:46PM
Based on my own research, about 1 out of every 3 people I check have 1-2 splinter hemorrhages.

Re: Splinter hemorrhages
September 22, 2015 02:33PM
According to <[www.nlm.nih.gov]


Bacterial endocarditis
Injury to the nail

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Contact your health care provider if:

You notice splinter hemorrhages and you haven't had any recent injury to the nail

Note: Splinter hemorrhages usually appear late in endocarditis. Likely other symptoms will cause you to visit your health care provider before splinter hemorrhages appear.
Re: Splinter hemorrhages
September 22, 2015 03:59PM

I can't remember any nail trauma, but since my overall recovery has been improving and I currently feel pretty good. .....I'm going w/ injury. I have no valve issues w/ no new onset murmurs, fever, night sweats, enlarged spleen...etc.

Re: Splinter hemorrhages
September 22, 2015 05:29PM
Ron - If you're still taking Eliquis or similar, it could be that helps to magnify capillary fragility.

Often the microcapillary areas in the body are subject to easy rupture if there is a deficiency in Vitamin C. There are other causes as well but this one is very common...and exacerbated by anticoagulants when tissue is already "fragile." It also happens easily in the mouth (gingival tissue) during instrumentation - bleeding gums.

Once again, this is a "canary in the coal mine" symptom indicating a deficiency or imbalance and it manifests by a physical symptom as an alert.

Read more here: [www.google.com]

You can fortify with sodium ascorbic acid.... (don't take calcium ascorbate) in either capsules, tablets or powder... to bowel tolerance... better yet, use the super effective and efficient form.... the Lipospheric Vitamin C from LivOn Labs... where one packet of LipoC gel delivers 1,000 mg of ascorbic acid/Vitamin C...

The Equivalency of the 1,000 mg packet in the liposomal C form is:

(Lipo C equivalent to C as ascorbic acid)
1,000 mg = 3,000 – 4,000 mg powder
2,000 mg = 8,000 – 10,000 mg powder
3,000 mg = 12,000 – 18,000 mg powder…. (page 133 of "Primal Panacea" - by Cardiologist Thomas E Levy, MD JD)

Typically, no bowel tolerance issues or stomach distress.

Highly therapeutic.

You can order from LivOn Labs... [www.livonlabs.com]

Or iHerb... who has partnered with LivOn so the same identical product is marketed at iHerb as LypriCell [www.iherb.com]

I've used LipoC for many years just for health maintenance. I'd never want to be without a stash in case a cold or flu or other infection crops up.

Be well,
Re: Splinter hemorrhages
September 22, 2015 06:06PM

Thanks for the info! I will begin vit C

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