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beta blocker side effects
June 08, 2015 01:06PM
I understand different beta blockers have different side effects in part because some cross the blood brain barrier more readily than others.
I am currently taking Metoprolol succinate extended release, and not crazy about how it makes me feel (tired, fuzzy headed, etc.). I'm taking 25mg twice a day.
Anyone have experience related to this?
Re: beta blocker side effects
June 08, 2015 01:58PM
Hi John - I was never able to take metoprolol full time and feel well. I used it only to slow my HR if I went into an event.
It made me tired and eventually was contributory to developing Insulin Resistance, a known side effect, but once I stopped the daily use, after many months, I reversed the insulin problem. Not all people have that response, but I did and it didn't take long.

Re: beta blocker side effects
June 08, 2015 03:14PM
I was on Atenalol for a while but switched to Metoprolol several months ago. No side effects for me at all. On the other hand, it doesn't stop afib, but controls my aflutter rate. So I guess that's something.
Re: beta blocker side effects
June 08, 2015 03:56PM
Hi, John.

As alluded to by Jackie, all of us are different and, as a result, we may experience differing reactions to meds.

If the BB is giving you a tough time, perhaps you / your doc might agree to trial a CCB. If that occurs, please let us know how you take to it. Thanks.

Re: beta blocker side effects
June 08, 2015 05:43PM
When I first got AF my doctor prescribed Atenalol 25mg/day, I felt very tried, I take thyroid meds and I became hypo, I also got a heart block and had to get a pacemaker, I was in my doctors office and looked at my charts and noted that the doctor had written that I might have gotten the heart block because of the beta blocker. I would not want to be on beta blockers all the time, once in a great while if you are having a fast heart beat but that would be all.

Re: beta blocker side effects
June 08, 2015 08:40PM
Been on atenolol for over 10 years... started on 50 mg daily, then reduced to 25 mg last year. No major SEs... at first, it was more difficult to exercise, and I experienced cold hands / feet -- wife would complain about the latter on those chilly Pennsylvania nights when we'd cuddle under the covers. ;>)

But during these years, I've worked full-time, exercised consistently (walking / jogging, weight-training), and played in a musical group on a part-time basis many weekends each year.

Now nearly retired and living in SW Florida (still exercising and playing in a weekend band), don't really notice the SEs.

Re: beta blocker side effects
June 09, 2015 08:50AM
I started out on Coreg, and even at a relatively low dose, of 9mg, it made me real sedated, but my Doctor kept wanting me to take more, and demanded i increase the dosage. I later switched to Bystolic, a cardio-selective BB, and I do well with that, when I need to take a BB.
Re: beta blocker side effects
June 10, 2015 02:04AM
What is CCB??

Re: beta blocker side effects
June 10, 2015 08:40AM
Calcium Channel Blocker?
Re: beta blocker side effects
June 11, 2015 09:44PM
I've tried Toprol, metoprolol, and atenolol at some point in the past, all with bad results after just a short period of use. All caused me to have more and longer a-fib episodes. After stopping, I was stuck with the longer a-fib episodes.

Re: beta blocker side effects
June 14, 2015 01:50PM
I recently started on Concor (bisoprolol). I too am having problems with tiredness and mental fuzziness, but then again I was having these troubles before I started on the med, so they may not be a side effects in my case.
On the positive side though it has reduced my BP by about 10 points and heart rate has slowed down and is more stable.
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