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how sticky is your blood and eliquis question
March 08, 2015 04:22PM

My BP ,CRP, homocysteine, ferretin etc are fine but how sticky is my blood and could I go off or lower my recently started eliquis?

I supplement with lots of goodies many of which are said to have a blood thinning effect.

Is there some test that actually tests how sticky my blood actually is compared to a reference range ?

Eliquis question.I know it says with or without food but are there any slight preferences on how and when to take it ?



Re: how sticky is your blood and eliquis question
March 08, 2015 07:12PM
Alex - when you say your numbers are all, "fine".... exactly what does that mean? There are ranges and ideal target numbers in each category that need to be assessed regularly.

Do you know your Fibrinogen level, Lipoprotein (a) and Hemoglobin AlC as well?

While there are numerous nutritional supplements that definitely can keep blood "thin and slippery," depending on your
CHADS/VASC score as well, you were placed on Eliquis for a reason. I have read that in some cases, low-risk patients are allowed to be on lower doses of Eliquis but there is no way around the age factor.

I can very much appreciate your desire to use natural measures versus the drug.

Re: how sticky is your blood and eliquis question
March 09, 2015 10:07PM
HI Alex - in answer to your question about food, I was told that it doens't matter if you take it with food or not. No difference. As for taking more natural blood thinners - the problem is that the actual amounts in supplements can vary widely, so doctors cannot comfortably embrace them. It's much easier to monitor the amount and efficacy of a drug, unfortunately. I am on Eliquis after having a LAA isolation ablation, and would love to be able to get off. I had a TEE recently and my emptying velocity was good, but my atrium (I think) is somewhat "passive", so Dr. Natale is waiting a few months and then wants me to repeat the TEE. I can tolerate the Eliquis alright, I just don't like being on a drug long term as down the road, interactions are more likely and of course, there is always a chance of a major bleed....

As for supplementing with "lots of goodies", you do have to be a little careful with that as you don't want to thin your blood TOO much. Definitely don't go off of Eliquis w/o a doctor's monitoring - that's not a safe thing to do.

Thankfully Eliquis is supposed to be the best blood thinner out there right now, with the least amount of problems, so we can at least feel better about that.

Best to you ~ Barb
Re: how sticky is your blood and eliquis question
March 09, 2015 11:28PM
Thanks for the prompt replies,

I was looking at my results and realise as I'm getting to over a year I should do tests again.

My last ferritin was 123ng ml on a reference range of 30 to 500..Lipoprotein (a) and Hemoglobin AlC were not tested.

What is suggested for a complete battery of tests to cover the necessary bases ? My long-suffering doctor will prescribe the tests to shut me up.

I can understand why a Dr can't rely on the unknown effects of supplements, fish oil et cetera et cetera

What I can't understand is why a sample of my blood can't be tested for stickiness.

I vaguely remember Dr Sinatra saying earthing makes your blood less sticky. How did he know?

I long for such a test.


Re: how sticky is your blood and eliquis question
March 10, 2015 09:06AM

Have you looked into Meridian Valley Lab?
Re: how sticky is your blood and eliquis question
March 10, 2015 11:13AM
Alex - Dr. Sinatra has done informal tests with colleagues using 'Earthing' or Grounding to show the before and after effects on platelet aggregation.... I presume with live cell microscopy. In some of his online reports, he had provided photos of the platelet results. So, that's always a very viable option but it needs to be done daily.

You can read more in the book, Earthing - The Most Important Health Discovery by Clint Ober and Dr. Sinatra...
[www.amazon.com] because everyone can do Earthing no matter where they are once they understand the principles.

If you use the Advanced Search Feature on this website.. and type in thick, sticky blood… you’ll pull up a large number of discussions on the importance of controlling silent inflammation which is the front runner of elevated blood viscosity… and all the other important tests that belong in a viscosity test. This has to be done routinely as many influences change the chemistry. Far too many people end up having strokes or MIs because they have no clue about their blood viscosity or the factors that promote that condition... or the fact that arteries are becoming blocked as a result of silent inflammation factors.

There are many influences that cause blood to be sticky… starting with poor dietary choices which would include a sensitivity to a ubiquitous protein such as found in wheat, or dairy for instance that drives unfavorable viscosity levels… Or just the inability to handle the high carbohydrate results from a diet high in starches from bread, pasta, cereal can result in improper methylation, elevated homocysteine and sticky blood… see: [www.afibbers.org]

Elevated fibrinogen causes thick, sticky blood and is caused by silent inflammation often driven by microbial infections such as Lyme or other stealth infections that often go undiagnosed as such and are treated by other measures, yet don’t address elevated fibrinogen consequences.

This is the list for essential testing

High Sensitivity or Cardiac C-reactive protein
Hemoglobin A1C
Lipoprotein (a)
Interleukin – 6
Oxidized LDL

The link to the post on this topic:
Sticky, thick blood - risk of stroke or MI
September 06, 2012

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