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9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation

Posted by dnvrfox 
9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 21, 2015 03:15AM
9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation. No ablation meds except adult aspirin daily, went from 1 year of continuous 24/7 AFib to NSR for almost 9.5 years now.

Here is my 6 months update.

So, I turned 75 in November, and will turn 76 this next November.

I continue swimming 4-5 hours weekly, bicycling 100 miles per week (generally 20-30 mile rides), walking several miles per week. I have given up my plan for the Sprint Triathlon due to a severe bout of bursitis in my left hip, for which I had PT , and it is much improved,but no formal triathlon, although there are days when I do the equivalent, just at my own pace.

I continue TRX training, also, and am getting more advanced. I looked at the P90X program - but I think it is a bit too much for me.

Other things:

I do 150 pushups (3 x 50) pushups, and did 75 in a row on my 75th birthday, bench presses, planks, curls, rows, am doing a lot of balance exercises on the BOSU ball, balance board, etc., and a lot of stretching. About 180 minutes of exercise daily. I do regular (4-5 times per week) bicycle rides this last summer followed by a 40 minute swim, and lots of walking.

I am still active in the gospel singing group I started 9 years ago, We sing all across the state. We are now welcoming ladies into our group..


and my advocacy activities continue. [www.pad-co.info]

I m writing this to provide hope to some of you, and to show that a good life can still go on in your 70's

Best of luck to all of you.


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2015 02:00PM by dnvrfox.
Re: 9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 21, 2015 03:51AM
HI Denver,

I recall when you got your ablation. Congratulations on the active life and continued NSR!

I too continue to enjoy what our locale and state have to offer.

Re: 9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 21, 2015 03:58AM
Hi, George.

I look in the obits too often and see too many folks my age and younger listed. Scary
Re: 9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 21, 2015 04:11AM

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have my first ablation scheduled with Dr. Natale on March 5th. Your post has inspired me. Thanks for making my dayspinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Glad to hear you've had so many years of NSR. Was this your one and only ablation or was this a repeat procedure?

Re: 9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 21, 2015 04:26AM
Just one ablation. No repeats.
Anonymous User
Re: 9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 21, 2015 09:10AM
Denver Fox, you give me strength. Do well and prosper.

Re: 9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 21, 2015 11:44AM
When I grow up, I want to be like you!

Fantastic - here's to another 9.5 years.
Re: 9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 21, 2015 01:40PM
Always good to hear from you Denver! Keep enjoying the good life with only NSR.

Re: 9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 21, 2015 03:38PM
Wonderful news from you, Denver. Thanks for staying in touch.
I wish you a peaceful heart in NSR for many more wonderful years.
Re: 9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 21, 2015 04:19PM

WOW that is so awesome. I am so glad your dream came true. I hope all of us some day can be so fortunate.
Out of curiosity and because people have varying degrees of what they call "success" do you ever have any problems like pac's or pvc's here and there or just straight up nothing but normal?

Re: 9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 21, 2015 11:54PM
tsco Wrote:
> Denver,
> WOW that is so awesome. I am so glad your dream
> came true. I hope all of us some day can be so
> fortunate.
> Out of curiosity and because people have varying
> degrees of what they call "success" do you ever
> have any problems like pac's or pvc's here and
> there or just straight up nothing but normal?
> thanks
> Tim

Never had a flutter, just NSR, I haven't seen a cardiologist in 9.5 years, either. My PCP runs a EKG every couple of years, and it is totally NSR.

However, my former cardio calls me now and then to get the name of Natale so he can refer a patient. You would think he would know the name by now!! smiling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2015 11:21PM by dnvrfox.
Re: 9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 23, 2015 06:16PM
Your post is appreciated. It is posts like yours that give inspiration to those of us still on the path to ablation. I have been on the path, really, since I had H1N1 in 2009 that put me on total life support for 3 weeks (asked to pull the plug twice); 2011 and TIKOSYN put me in NSR to shrink my heart but I have had it with the side effects and am in "the range" for ablation now, so I have booked same and am awaiting a date. Please keep in touch - keeping in mind that you are inspiring many of us.

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: 9.5 years coming up since my Natale ablation
January 24, 2015 12:58AM
Murray L Wrote:
> Your post is appreciated. It is posts like yours
> that give inspiration to those of us still on the
> path to ablation. I have been on the path,
> really, since I had H1N1 in 2009 that put me on
> total life support for 3 weeks (asked to pull the
> plug twice); 2011 and TIKOSYN put me in NSR to
> shrink my heart but I have had it with the side
> effects and am in "the range" for ablation now, so
> I have booked same and am awaiting a date. Please
> keep in touch - keeping in mind that you are
> inspiring many of us.

I generally post every 6 months but don't follow the forum much otherwise.
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