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PVCs vs. PACs

Posted by Nancy 
PVCs vs. PACs
October 27, 2014 05:27PM
Outside of the beloved EKG, can folks tell the difference when they get PVCs vs. PACs?

I usually just get afib, but in the past year I've calmed that down, but other things show up from time to time, including atrial flutter.

The past couple of days I've had a weird heart feeling, that odd feeling in my gut that I'm in afib. But the pulsemeter shows rate in the 70s (normal for my afternoon rate). But when I feel my pulse every once and a while one seems much lighter than the others, almost skipped.

This just happened today, after I finished lunch (salad and cottage cheese) and was sitting around with co-workers at lunch table. Happened last night as I was going to bed, and yesterday afternoon while I was sitting at a table. They don't last that long (20 min max), but they are freaking me out a bit.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2014 05:28PM by Nancy.
Re: PVCs vs. PACs
October 28, 2014 06:18AM
Hi Nancy,

I often get beats where it feels like one is bigger than the other. not sure if it is common or not. I also get bigeminy where i get two beats then a gap then two beats etc...
i usually get these when laying down (most of my funky heart beats happen when laying). As soon as i sit up it normally goes back to normal. Sometime I need to sit up a couple of times when going to bed before my laying down heart rate feels normal.

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