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Flu and/or Pneumonia vaccination

Posted by Craigh 
Flu and/or Pneumonia vaccination
October 09, 2014 12:32AM
I've never had either. The flu vaccination has always concerned me. It seems to be controversial. So now with afib and the recent ablation I wonder if I should change my position and have the flu and/or pneumonia vaccination. My reseach really didn't help. People are all over the board. Some say its important to take the flu vaccination to protect the heart from the effects of the flu. Also the pneumonia vaccination to protect against vascular inflamation. But then others say the flu vccination has triggered afib events and other complications. Does anyone else share my concern or have insight?
Re: Flu and/or Pneumonia vaccination
October 09, 2014 02:03PM
Craig - I share your concern and it's not just a recent concern about flu shots. In many years I worked as a clinical dental hygienist and even in the days before masks were worn, we all religiously got annual flu shots. And, typically, we often also got the flu. With all the negative news about adjuvants in flu shots, I'm not willing to put any of that in my body.

When I retired early because of Afib, I decided not to get the annual injection. I also focused on supportive nutrients to help promote a strong immune system. I was tested for vitamin D levels and learned I was only 18 when preferably, the level will be at least 60 or more. It took several years to be completely free of colds and flu but I am pleased to report that at the start of this coming flu season, I will have successfully passed 14 seasons without either cold or flu. It's not as if I am a hermit and have no exposure. I am out and about with daily public exposure... regularly working out at the fitness center and have other weekly group meetings.

I always take extra vitamin D3 and be sure to increase those daily supplements that help with natural immunity.
Should I ever feel a scratchy throat or runny nose starting, I have a health kit specifically aimed at reversing that overnight so I am not worried about my heart after my recent August ablation.

Doctors always check my chart and say I'm overdue for my flu shot. When I respond that I have been free of colds and flu for 14 seasons and see no reason to have one, they have no comments and just make a note that "patient refused flu shot"... I always make a mental 'smiley' symbol.

Obioviosly, it's a personal decision but just wanted to let you know that you can boost your immune system function and also have remedies on hand to curtail the onset of what may be cold or flu.

Good health to you!
Re: Flu and/or Pneumonia vaccination
October 10, 2014 11:26AM
I have taken the flu shot for the last 15 years faithfully with no issues. The flu kills many individuals each year. I will call Dr. Natales office to get clearance for the annual shot. Taking the flu shot has never triggered a AFIB episode for me in past years.

My Father is 82 years young and has heart CAD for years but he takes a flu shot every year. No issues.......
Re: Flu and/or Pneumonia vaccination
October 10, 2014 01:00PM
Ive taken the flu shot for years and never had a problem other than a sore arm.
I cant imagine what link the shot and triggering afib there would be. I mean at worst (and they say its not possible) the flu shot gave you the flu. whats the difference if you got the flu???
Ill take my chance with the shot I havent had any flu past two seasons and mild before(with shot)
Re: Flu and/or Pneumonia vaccination
October 10, 2014 01:44PM
Knock on wood, but I have not had a true flu in 10 years since I started keeping my Vitamin D3 levels at a confirmed by bi-annual blood test level of between 60 to 80ng/ml. A level defined in several small but replicated study's as confering even better protection than the vaccine with quite a few additional other health benefits as well.

I know there have not been huge randomized trials to compare it with the vaccine, but there are some solid studies supporting very high efficacy in helping to curb flu epidemics in local high risk groups in shared confined areas, such as nursing homes and boarding schools.

I have done a large amount of international travel during the height of flu season over this 10 year period with no actual flu. Before starting the 10,000 IU dose a day of Vit D3,10 years ago, I had a documented flu 4 times in 12 years including 6 of those years in that period after taking the vaccine in which one of those four flu's occurred two months after the vaccine, I believe it was 1998.

The protocol and evidence of efficacy for upper respiratory virus control with Vitamin D is well spelled out by Dr John Cannell at the Vitamin D Council website. You may well not need a dose of 10,000 IU to get into the antiviral sweet spot of 60 to 80 ng/ml blood level of Vit D as my body requires, but let the blood test be your easy dosing guide. Also, always take your Vit D with the largest fat containing meal of the day and never on an empty stomach for far better absorption. At a minimum take it was a tablespoon of almond butter or extra virgin coconut oil. Same is true for taking all other fat solvable vitamins such as Vit A, D and K, especially K2 versions.

If you are still worried about the flu even with a say 75ng/ml 25(OH)D3 ( the actual name of the correct Vit D blood test) then take the vaccine shot too, but since it is well known that the shot is very much a hit or miss affair each season depending on how accurately they guess the upcoming flu strains, it makes very good sense to at least also insure optimal blood levels of Vit D3, especially at this time of year.

If you are taking only 2,000 IU or so, the odds are high that won't be close to enough to give you real upper respiratory virus protection, nor many of the other prime health benefits with compelling evidence in the literature. So test to be sure of your daily dosing needs.

For what my experience is worth. If you are interested, go look at the studies on Vit D and infuenza at Vitamin D Council. This isn't some far fetch theory, there is strong biological rationale for the effect and a very impressive track record in studies done, although not at he scale of large drug trials, obviously, as there is no real money to be made in Vitamin D. At least not compared to vaccine income.

I'm not inherently anti-vaccine, even though I did contract full blown polio from the oral vaccine at 10 years old in 1962 when it first came out and that vaccine-induced polio has had a major impact on my life since then. I do support them for serious diseases and am not opposed to them for dangerous flu either, but I feel the evidence is strong enough that Vitamin D maintained in optimal levels is a better option, or at least a wise adjunctive therapy to insure one has best protection, that I urge all here to seriously consider for yourself increasing your blood levels of Vitamin D 3 to between 60-80ng/ml. It's dirt cheap easy and so far in my own exoerience no flu has visited me since as stated that protocol in over 10 years now.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2014 02:00PM by Shannon.
Re: Flu and/or Pneumonia vaccination
October 10, 2014 09:08PM
Shannon, Jackie, Could you list the supplements you take everyday and the amounts? I am curious to see what you take daily taking a Holistic approach to prescribed medications.

I have been "questioned" at times nicely smiling smiley about the amount of prescription drugs I take daily. I am just curious to see what individuals take everyday and the amounts of those whom choose Holistic meds over prescribed or OTC drugs.

The "World" is telling everyone to take the flu shot; Many have already died from the flu in 2014.

5 mg Valium a day as needed.
20 mg Prozac daily
15 mg Prevacid a day
60 cc shot of Testosterone Cypionate every 10 days. Testosterone is low due to schedule two narcotics.
.5 mg Arimidex 2x a week to keep Estrogen levels in check. T shots can cause rise in Estrogen.

100 mg Metoprolol ER 1x a day
25 mg HydroDiuril fluid pill 1x a day every 2 days.
Neurontin 900mg a day (for Neuropathic pain IC/CPPS)
800 mg of Magnesium daily . Different types
81 mg aspirin 1X a day. Heart Doctor order due to stent installed in Jan. 2012.
2.5 mg Eliquis 2X a day

Miralax 1x a day for constipation issues. I have tried so many different methods for Constipation since 2008. Fiber is in my diet but to much Fiber really Constipates me.

25 mg/hcr Fentanyl.patch changed every 2 days

1st ablation done Feb. 27, 2014 for Long term persistent AFIB Dr. Natale
2nd Ablation done June 16,2016 Dr. Natale LAA isolated
Re: Flu and/or Pneumonia vaccination
October 11, 2014 01:53PM
Smackman I would also add a request to expand on the timing for taking the various supplements as Shannon has mentioned for some of them. For convenience, especially when travelling it is easy to down them all at once in the morning but this is probably not at all optimal.
Re: Flu and/or Pneumonia vaccination
October 11, 2014 04:00PM
Ron - this is very true ... to benefit from some nutrients, we usually need to take with specific timing directions. Some, don't matter.. but many do.

When I have more time, I'll give an outline of my list and when I take them.

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