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Can Beta-Blockers impact be permanent?

Posted by The Anti-Fib 
Can Beta-Blockers impact be permanent?
September 29, 2014 06:33AM
After being on Beta-Blockers, even low doses of coreg 6-9mg and Bystolic 5mg, I am wondering if this effect can be somewhat permanent even after discontinueing the drug. Like there is some sort of after-effect of permanently blocking the receptor sites for adrenalin to the Heart. It seems as though my Heart does not want to speed up like it used to 5 years ago, as in during exercise. The HR does increase, but it seems to take alot more motivation than before I started taking the Blockers. I notice this even when I experiment and taper down and stop taking the drugs.

Anyone else notice anything like this? Maybe it's just Adrenal burn-out on my part.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/2014 06:44AM by The Anti-Fib.
Re: Can Beta-Blockers impact be permanent?
September 29, 2014 06:00PM
When I first got AF I went to my regular medical doctor, he prescribed Atenelol, a beta blocker, 25 mg. I took it for a few months and it made me feel tried, no energy--I was also on thyroid meds, the beta blocker caused me to become hypo, it apparently blocked the thyroid hormone. I then started to almost black out when going from AF to NSR, I was diagnosed with a heart block and needed a pace maker. I was fine before taking this beta-blocker, I was in my EPs office and peeked at my chart and it was noted that the beta blocker probably caused my heart block, (I found a EP and never went back to the doc. that prescribed the Atenelol). If you don't have thyroid problems, you may not be affected too much, but for me, I avoid beta blockers like the plague.

Re: Can Beta-Blockers impact be permanent?
September 30, 2014 08:26PM

Sounds like the 25mg was way to high if a dose for you. I had a Doctor try to make me take 50mg/day of Coreg, but when I got to 18mg, my blood pressure was so low (45/80) that I was very dizzy, let alone sedated tremendously. I was scarred to even drive, because if I got pulled over in a traffic stop, I might be charged with DUI (being under the influence of drugs).

So was the effect of causing the Heart block transient or permanet? Or did you just get the pace-maker right away?
Re: Can Beta-Blockers impact be permanent?
October 01, 2014 03:10AM

Yes, I did get a pace maker, I apparently only use it about 3% of the time, I am glad I have it because I no longer have the fear of my heart rate dropping so low, almost flat lining, when going into NSR from AF. I think what happened to me because of the beta-blocker is that it caused me to become hypo-thyroid which placed a burden on my heart when in AF and the shift from AF to NSR.

My heart rate usually runs around 60 --65, so I am fine, the only time I might have a problem is going from AF to NSR, my pacer is set at 50 so my rate won't go any lower and I have not had any problems since the pacer implant. As I recall, I believe 25 mg. is the lowest dose of Atenolol. I was diagnosed with 1st. degree heart block, there is 1st., second and third degree heart block, 1st degree is the least serious, 3rd being the worst.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2014 03:14AM by Elizabeth.
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