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Need some advice please...
August 05, 2014 11:02AM
Hi everyone. It's been some time since I've posted here but my a/f continues, although it is what the cardiologists say "controlled a/f" in that my a/f hovers between 60 and 85 bpm and very light BUT each episode lasts between 10-48 hrs (which becomes frustrating). I'm on warfarin (because i had a stroke after having a/f for 14 years and an awful divorce and not being on any blood thinners. My INR levels are great (in that I get tested every 6 weeks bcos its been steady for almost 3 years now). I take 4 drs best magnesium but I have upped it today to 6 per day in the hope that my current episode ends.....

I also started the potassium powder today (1 teaspoon). Could you please help me with dosages. What do you recommend I take per day to shorten episodes?

I also take Vitamin D and Folic Acid and a Probiotic powder which I put in water every day.

Thank you for your time,

Re: Need some advice please...
August 05, 2014 11:12AM
I also suffer periocally from reflux (like right now) and take Somac and Inner HealthPlus. Does having reflux possibly extend the A/f???
Re: Need some advice please...
August 05, 2014 01:42PM

Reflux can be a trigger. Some who've cured their reflux have kept their afib at bay. I recall there are some stories about is in CR 61: <[www.afibbers.org]

As to shortening your episodes, I've used flecainide on-demand (or PIP- pill in pocket) for nearly 10 years to keep my afib episodes short. The prescription is a loading dose of flec when the episode starts. Usually 200 mg for those less than 70 kg (154 pounds) and 300 mg for those above. Many docs also prescribe a small dose of beta or calcium channel blocker 30 minutes in advance of taking the flec (though I've never done this). Here is Jackie's description: <[www.afibbers.org]

Re: Need some advice please...
August 05, 2014 02:35PM
Hi George! Forgot to add that I also take Sotalol 80 mg twice daily....
Flecanaide for me was a total disaster in that it gave me CRAZY heartbeats, an awful sensation which I couldn't wait to wear off, so I won't be trying that again. It may work for some but not for me. Too bad because I read that it works a treat for quite a number of people. Like I said, I am grateful that my episodes are light but I love being in sinus rhythm for sure. I just wish I was having shorter episodes but I'm sure the reflux does not help the situation. Thanks for replying to my post, best regards!
Re: Need some advice please...
August 05, 2014 02:56PM
Hi Sunny,
I have been using simethicone with activated charcoal to settle my stomach when bloated and reflux. Here the tablets are called Bloateze, but i think in USA it is called Gas-X. Even just the charcoal tablets helps me.
Hoping you get relief soon
Re: Need some advice please...
August 10, 2014 06:30AM
I think Jackie is the expert on electroyte levels.
No simple answer.
One would need to establish what your potassium levels are, and even then they could fluctuate throughout the day.
Also the ratio of Potassium to other Electrolytes is key.
Tests include Blood test, Cellular X-ray analysis (exa-test), or potassium meter.

The RDA is like 4700mg, but when you go to buy a supplement, it is only in 100mg pills.
Personelly I would try to figure out if your deficient prior to taking very much.
How many mg in a teaspoon of Potassium? 2000?

I was taking 400mg Potassium, but during my last episode, my Potassium levels were too high, as I did an Exatest right after initiation of the episode.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2014 06:46AM by The Anti-Fib.
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