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Fast Heartbeat After Episode Ends

Posted by Nancy 
Fast Heartbeat After Episode Ends
July 25, 2014 08:15PM
I just had a brief (less than 5 minutes) FIBS episode. Heart bounced from 90s to 120 or so for that time. Then when NSR returned, my heartbeat was steady but in the 80s. Took about an hour before it returned to the low 70s (my norm is 60s-70s). This has happened before and I was wondering if anyone knew why this happens - does it happen to others?

Re: Fast Heartbeat After Episode Ends
July 25, 2014 09:07PM
Nancy Wrote:
> I just had a brief (less than 5 minutes) FIBS
> episode. Heart bounced from 90s to 120 or so for
> that time. Then when NSR returned, my heartbeat
> was steady but in the 80s. Took about an hour
> before it returned to the low 70s (my norm is
> 60s-70s). This has happened before and I was
> wondering if anyone knew why this happens - does
> it happen to others?
> Nancy

My guess would be Anxiety/stress of the episode. I base this on my experience of High Anxiety and I am in NSR.
Re: Fast Heartbeat After Episode Ends
July 25, 2014 11:25PM
Sounds like if went from AFIB to Atrial Flutter to NSR. Flutter feels like NSR by Pulse Check, but is faster than your normal NSR. That is what mine does, with similair rates.
Re: Fast Heartbeat After Episode Ends
July 26, 2014 12:41PM
Thanks guys, I appreciate the info.
Re: Fast Heartbeat After Episode Ends
July 26, 2014 01:06PM
Could have been a short run of Tachycardia/flutter Nancy and quite possibly stimulated by some eletrolyte imbalance, dehydration or high stress period as noted above. When was your ablation again? We have so many Nancy's now I lose track smiling smiley. If you are still in the blanking period after an ablation, it could be just that as additional ablation lesions formation and maturation take place. If it could be runs of PVCs/PACs mixed with stress or exercise related elevated sinus HR with its vet short lived nature.

If you haven't been religious on the Strategy magnesium/potassium repletion program then by all means do so now and see if that doesn't minimize those I little occurance and further stabilize your heart? If not and its well past the blanking period after an ablation, then it could be an early sign that a touch up
could be in the Cardas, but your very short and few runs so far of not formally diagnosed nature makes it still premature to concern yourself much with setting up a follow up ablation at this time. Do your best with trigger avoidance, electrolyte repletion, good diet, moderate exercise and regular stress reduction measures and see if this doesn't calm down...

If not, there is always Plan B with a touch up which can do wonders in the right hands at truly stabilizing the heart.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2014 03:28AM by Shannon.
Re: Fast Heartbeat After Episode Ends
July 26, 2014 06:08PM
I've never had an ablation. And yes I do follow as much of the strategy as I can. Magnesium daily and potassium when I think it's needed. My afib was triggered originally by dehydration, and when I get too much into that way it can trigger an episode. Fortunately they are not long ones lately, including this one.
Re: Fast Heartbeat After Episode Ends
July 26, 2014 07:10PM

This past few year or so, after an afib episode when I go into NSR, my hearthrate goes into the 90s and stays there my resting heartrate is in the sixties, this lasts for probably around 4 or 5 hours, I don't know why this happens. I will be seeing my EP on Aug. 1, so will be asking him. I don't agree that it is due to a mag./pot. problem, I take mag. and my potassium levels always test around 4.5.

I had a new battery put into my pacemaker a few years ago and I have noticed this happening since around that time, I am told the settings are the same, so I don't know why this is happening.

Re: Fast Heartbeat After Episode Ends
July 26, 2014 08:31PM
I used to have that - my afib would bounce around at 160 to 220 for several hours and then sometimes instead of converting out to NSR would convert to flutter - regular but 80 bpm. This went on and on - longest was around 8 hours. The first time it happened, I was feeling so much better that the afib had stopped that I finally went and had a shower. I thought the water would come out of the tap but it immediately came out of the shower head - freezing cold! The shock of it bounced me out of flutter. Each time it happened after that, I tried that trick, but it didn't work. I ended up going to the hospital and having a cardioversion several times after they had diagnosed it as aflutter.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2014 03:19AM by Marg.
Re: Fast Heartbeat After Episode Ends
August 01, 2014 06:44PM

I saw my EP this morning and asked him about my fast heartbeat after my afib episode terminates and going into NSR. He said it could be flutter, the only way to know would be to wear a monitor or go immediately to ER and get a ECG and have it sent to him, this I will do, so that I know once and for all what it is. He said there are meds for this, I would guess a beta blocker, don't like those.

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