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Recommendations on great EP's on Long Island for my sister now...

Posted by tobherd 
Recommendations on great EP's on Long Island for my sister now...
June 24, 2014 03:08AM
So my sister Marcia has been having palpitations for quite awhile now, but they have picked up in intensity more recently. She wore a halter monitor for 24 hours and it did pick up ventricular tachycardia, at 191 bpm, but just for about 3 seconds I believe. I am suspicious that she may be going down a similiar path to mine, but as of now, she hasn't been diagnosed as having Afib.

Her cardiologist recommended that she come back in a year. As she is so symtomatic and she felt faint tonight for a few seconds, I'm worried that she's not being taken care of well enough. She lives about 2 hours east of NYC, and is not willing (at this time) to travel that far. Stony Brook University hospital is fairly near her, and she is considering a Dr. Rashba or a little further west, Dr. Snow. Have any of you heard of either of these doctors or can you recommend another good one in this basic area? Should she need an ablation down the road, she may be willing to travel more, but at this time, she's not convinced she can't just find a good doctor in this area.

Your thoughts?

Re: Recommendations on great EP's on Long Island for my sister now...
June 24, 2014 02:35PM
Hi Barb, Since you are focusing on your sister now I guess you are feeling well. Very happy for you. Following my touch up I was fatigued for a day or so but was able to keep up with my wife sight seeing in Austin. I am still amazed how my heart beats regularly in the background. It's not like a clock, there is some variations to the rhythm, but except for some PVCs it all feels normal.

Dr Levine's, St Francis Hospital in Port Washington. Ive heard his name mentioned favorably many times over the years.
Or wait for Dr Natale to return to NYC then take your sister to a Broadway play and while your in the city anyway stop up to see him.
Re: Recommendations on great EP's on Long Island for my sister now...
June 24, 2014 06:57PM
Thanks Dennis. I think that may be the doctor I went to a few years back and was surprised how eager he was to try to ablate a one time, 25 year old symptom of tachycardia...but not my current Afib, at the time. My husband and I practically ran out of there! My cardiologisit said that St. Francis is great for heart surgeries, but they aren't known for ablations particularly....just an FYI. At this point, my sister may be seeing some guy in Winthrop hospital in Mineola, per her cardiologist suggestion.

I"m feeling pretty well, yes. I walked briskly back and forth of the mall today to get my phone fixed, and did so with only a little fatigue. I think the follow up to the "touch up" is easier than the full blown ablation the first go-around. I would prefer that Dr. Natale come up here again though, just in case.....MUCH easier to have someone local.

Glad you are feeling well too. It's a journey, but I'm hoping we are now on the calm, easy side of it from here on out!

Be well ~ Barb
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