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A-Fib or Flutter is back after 11 months

Posted by MichaelT1960 
A-Fib or Flutter is back after 11 months
May 14, 2014 11:21PM
Well I had an ablation over three years ago and haven't had A-Fib in almost a year. I usually would get it in the afternoon but for some reason I now have been getting it (4 days in a row) right after waking up and using the bathroom! I would go back into bed and then it would start upsad smiley

It has been lasting several hours before stopping.

Anybody have any idea why this is all of a sudden happening to me? Why in the morning and for days in a row???

I am 54 years old and not in a good mood!

Re: A-Fib or Flutter is back after 11 months
May 15, 2014 12:35AM
This is a not uncommon finding Michael, many ablations require a touch up after a year or two or three, Its not unusual. Continued structural remodeling is one reason, latent triggers sources not entirely transmurally ablated the first time but perhaps stunned for a long period of time only to come alive or reconnect is also a possibility.

I know its disappointing but with the right choice for a follow-up touch up ablation, and it even possible your original EP might be fine, then your odds of getting a much longer reprieve, and quite possibly indefinitely, are very good. Just make sure whom ever you chose has lots of experience doing repeat ablations with great success.

Best Wishes,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/15/2014 01:25PM by Shannon.
Re: A-Fib or Flutter is back after 11 months
May 15, 2014 09:43AM
I don't have much to add in terms of how to help, but just wanted to give a post of support!
Re: A-Fib or Flutter is back after 11 months
May 15, 2014 01:27PM
Michael - I had a similar breakthrough experiences in years 4, 5 and 6 after my ablation. As a result of my reversing that, I wrote The Strategy which is now being revised to include several other key points. But what I found was that I had become somewhat lax in optimizing intake of the core, critical electrolytes...magnesium, potassium, watching sodium, etc.

Read through The Strategy and let me know if I can help steer you to a specific area that needs attention. Also, read through CR 72....a large number of people are unaware of the importance of the potassium-to-sodium ratio in dietary intake... Afibbers are especially vulnerable to imbalances.

The Strategy - What Metabolic Cardiology Means to Afibbers

Conference Room Session 72
Potassium/Sodium Ratio in Atrial Fibrillation

Re: A-Fib or Flutter is back after 11 months
May 15, 2014 05:10PM
Hey Michael sorry about your experience

you say your ablation was over three years ago......but this is episodes since a year
It kind of sounds like maybe you had episodes post ablation (first two years), so I agree with Shannon in that you should maybe look at a touch-up.
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