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Still in NSR 4 days after stopping Multaq

Posted by smackman 
Still in NSR 4 days after stopping Multaq
February 25, 2014 02:28PM
Well, I am still in NSR; Also my heart rate has not increased after 4 days of being off Multaq. This morning my heart rate wasd actually 55 bpm.

I read on the website that Multaq decreases the heart rate by approx. 10 bpm. So far, I have seen no change in my Heart rate.

I take my last 12.5 mg dosage of Metoprolol ER tomorrow at 7 AM then we hit the road for Austin. I am ready to get this behind me but I also am 2nd questioning my decision because I am doing so well off that dang Multaq. I hate Multaq.

Then I tell myself, Smackman, This is a progressive disease; you are already Persistent. Stop the Beast in my Heart. I have the best at the controls in Austin thanks to this website. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Looking forward to meeting Shannon who will watch my ablation live.
Re: Still in NSR 4 days after stopping Multaq
February 25, 2014 02:52PM
Good. Luck smackman, I'm lying here now with both ivs in each arm prepped to go. I just told the nurse I haven't and can't make an episode happen since last Wednesday. Oh well I'm all in now.
Re: Still in NSR 4 days after stopping Multaq
February 25, 2014 03:20PM
Hi Smackman,

Have a safe drive, and ignore the second guessing , the vast majority of the time people do not trigger in the five days after going of AAR drugs prior to ablation. There is some residual effect of the drug leading up to about 12 hours before the ablation and very often it can stay quiet for some time before the inevitable happens and you are back in the the pits again and I can promise you there is no worse feeling than the kicking yourself down the highway listening to that procrastinating brain and then cancel out at the last minute under the mad illusion that somehow the person thinking such is suddenly cured since they didn't trigger in the last few days :-)

Plus, you'd be leaving me and a group of top level EPs and new up and coming EPs in training holding our bags of popcorn waiting for the good show to start day after tomorrow in Austin but no one would be in the table were you to bail at this point. I know you won't, but just saying smiling smiley.

See you soon!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2014 06:02PM by Shannon.
Re: Still in NSR 4 days after stopping Multaq
February 25, 2014 05:18PM
I am not bailing.... LOL My wife would tie a rope around me and drag me to Austin. Hope the popcorn and the show is good.

Looking forward to meeting you Shannon.
Re: Still in NSR 4 days after stopping Multaq
February 25, 2014 08:23PM

I think there is a positive psychological effect just knowing you have taken the next step. I know that when I went to Bordeaux in 2005, just being able to circle a date on the calendar brought me huge relief. I never had any afib for two months preceding my ablation, and I too wondered if I was doing the right thing. It sounds like all your cards are lining up, so stick with nothing but positive thoughts. I think that's really awesome that Shannon will be there for support.

Best wishes and happy NSR to you.

Re: Still in NSR 4 days after stopping Multaq
February 26, 2014 12:20AM
This afternoon, I was washing my truck and my Heart Rate shot up . I went in the House checked my pulse and it was 150 bpm. Now I have never been that high without a AFIB episode.I got relaxed and laid down. My Heart Rate started coming down slowly.

That was 6 hours ago. Now my Heart is doing fine. I really think I just had a Tachycardia episode. I never felt like I went into AFIB but it did scare me.

If I went into AFIB, I actually converted! Anyway, I took no extra medications for it. I am currently doing good but it took 2- 3 hours to settle it down by resting and mind relaxing.

My wife has checked my pulse and NO AFIB. She knows what AFIB feels like by checking my pulse. My pulse is currently 70 bpm.

What can I say. I really believe I had a AFIB episode and actually converted on my own....
Re: Still in NSR 4 days after stopping Multaq
February 26, 2014 03:31AM
You are still under the influence of some Multaq effect Smackman, that can result in these effect, especially during a taper. Just take it easy, tomorrow evening you can wash your car again when youy get to Austin, if you make it all the way to AFIB then you are only a matter of some hours before Dr N will put a stop to it.

Drive safely and will see you Thursday afternoon after the conference lets out.

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