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One year afib free

Posted by Po Ra 
One year afib free
July 09, 2013 10:07AM
Hi All,

Just wanted to share with you all that I'm now one year afib free - the longest period sans AF since I was aware of this condition. Most of my episodes had been between three and eight months apart until now.

Aside from taking magnesium and several other supplements, I don't do too much else, so I guess I may be lucky for now. I don't take medication for afib nor have had any procedures. I do sleep with my bare feet on an earthing sheet - could that be helping?

I will say that I think the mind-body connection, for me, is an important one. One year and four months ago, I started a form of meditation called Sahaja Yoga. This has been enormously helpful for me mentally, spiritually and I suspect physically (you can read up about some interesting studies done on those who practice this form of meditation - just google it.)

Anyway, I haven't posted here in a while and wanted to share. I hope it inspires some of you, especially those new to this condition. Episode frequency can be lessened, at least for some.

Warmest to you,
Po Ra.
Re: One year afib free
July 09, 2013 05:08PM
Hello Po... that's just perfect.

My various experiences with energy medicine have all proved to be highly beneficial ...anything that improves conduction throughout the meridian circuitry is great. The mind/body/spirit connection is too powerful to be ignored and your Sahaja Yoga practice sounds just perfect. I, too, have found that sleeping with my feet on the grounding sheet is very calming and provides a mental comfort knowing it helps keep my blood from 'clumping.'

Thanks for sharing your success with us.

Best to you,
Re: One year afib free
July 10, 2013 12:35AM
Thanks for the update, I'm going to look into that type of yoga. Just wondering what kind of grounding sheet you use. Is it one that plugs into the wall socket? Or do you run a wire outside. If used one for a while , but have been unsure if its doing anything. I have had fewer afib episodes in the summer when I can ground naturally. I'm on a nice streak right now of about 5 1/2 months afib free. (Using the "Strategy")
Continued NSR to you !

Anonymous User
Re: One year afib free
July 10, 2013 03:56PM
Congratulations! I just had a one year afib free anniversary but I had 2 ablations last year as nothing else worked for me. I will look into the Yoga you use!

Re: One year afib free
July 12, 2013 08:02AM
Hi John,

I use one an earthing sheet that is plugged into a wall socket. I am also unsure if mine is doing anything to be honest. I'm going away for a week starting tomorrow and will have an opportunity to sleep without one.

Congratulations on your 51/2 month streak, hope it continues eternally!

Hi Christy,

There are Sahaja Yoga gatherings in most cities around the world. It's great to go along to some sessions, then you can continue at home. I only do ten minutes in the morning. It's not complicated, rather more meditational and a little ritual. I do think it has helped me in many regards. I seem to get more obvious benefits after I go to a group session. They seem more powerful.

May you continue your NSR!

Warm regards,
Re: One year afib free
July 12, 2013 01:26PM
John - the ground wire or cord plugs into the ground socket on on a wall unit. If there is no ground socket, then you have to do the other method.

My experience is that I don't have a 'sensation' that I'm using the sheet or pad. I use the pad on my feet when sleeping and while I didn't previously have a sleep problem, I notice now that I sleep very soundly and all night without waking up. If I'm going to be sitting at the desk or computer for long durations, I use the pad under my bare feet.

Check out the info at this website. [www.earthing.com] - and specifically click on the Earthing Book... you can play the audio's online for a preview.

Re: One year afib free
July 13, 2013 12:13AM
Thanks Jackie, I do have one of those sheets , and a grounding pad. I've been using the sheet for a couple of years, and I don't know if its done anything, but my afib episodes are way less in the summer, I thought maybe the natural grounding I've been doing has been helpful, but unsure if the sheet is doing anything. I did read somewhere that using one that actually plugs into the ground may work better, but I don't recall where I read that.

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