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Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?

Posted by Nancy 
Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 21, 2013 06:55PM
I have been a paroxysmal fibber for several years now. My episodes haven't gone over 24 hours, most are in the 4-10 hour range. I'm in hour 18 of the latest and starting to freak out a bit. So I thought I'd ask other folks what their longest and shortest paroxysmal episodes were.
Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 21, 2013 07:25PM
Mine last 5-15 hours.
Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 21, 2013 07:55PM
My episodes can be anything from 10 days to 50 days apart and last anything between 9 hours to 24 hours.
Hope you are back in normal rhythm soon.
Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 21, 2013 11:50PM
Longest I had was 27 hours but then I started using Flec as a PIP as soon as it came on and that always terminated it within 2-5 hours. Last bout I had was 7 months ago just before ablation so I couldn't take Flec - that terminated itself within a few hours..
Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 22, 2013 12:33AM
I have quickly progressed from occassional afib with duration usually of less than 3 hours, to back to back, almost daily episodes. I went through a stressful high work load period this past winter, and I believe it caused the ramp up in activity. Here is the rub. I felt that I was usually aware of my afib as the heart beat was more pronounced. Now, I have found that the event will calm down to the point that I am not conciously aware of it, but when I put my finger to the Iphone app, the disfunctional heart beat is still definitely present. I am now questioning whether I am in fact converting withing the 24 hours, or if the afib is continuing in stealth mode. Another possibility is that I could be tripping in and out of afib. When I am in those calm times in my lazy boy chair, with no physical awareness of it, to get up and move can quickly results in the afib becoming more pronounced.

This pattern is consistent with the results from a recent holter test where I would convert to NSR and then shortly after go back into afib a number of times during the 48 hour test.

My first event was 5 years ago.

The EP who I saw in Calgary, told me I am not a good candidate for drugs as I have both Marked Sinus Bradycardia (the lowest heart rate I have recorded was 35pbm - last night- and that was freaky) and lower blood pressure. He said my best first line of defense could well be an ablation because the side effects of the antiarythmic drugs can be a lowering of the HR and BP.

I have wished that I could get a handle on this on my own, but when the events started to increase, I stated the process to book an ablation.

I know it is not the end all and be all cure and that I have to get my substrate in order if I am ever going to maintain nsr after the ablation. But right now it is like a downward spiral, as I am getting over tired from being wakened by the pronounced beat, and I have stressed adrenals from the burden.
Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 22, 2013 11:19PM
Nancy - when my afib turned into Aflutter, I was electrocardioverted after 8 days. Recently, when I experienced the AF flareups and the PIP protocols flipped the rhytym AF to Aflutter and chemical cardioversion at the local ER failed, I was in flutter for 5 days and then self-converted as predicted by the EP.

Previous bouts of AF often lasted around 27 hours. I was told to call to arrange for electrocardioversion if I went much past 24 hours and I had given myself a target of 30 hours and then make the call. Fortunately, that wasn't typically necessary.

Now the PIP protocols are stronger dosing than directed back in those years.

I'm not sure I ever had a 'short' event since whenever AF started, it lasted 3 - 4 hours at least.

Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 24, 2013 02:38AM
H- Nancy - I've had Afib for 10 years now, and started with sporadic episodes, ending with daily episodes and sometimes twice/day! Before I went on Flecainide, I could make my episodes stop with a brisk walk - literally 99% of the time (so we're talking about getting it hundreds of times, and stopping it hundreds of times). I had episodes as short as an hour, and as long as 14 hours. I'm not sure if they might have lasted longer if the walking didn't help..it's certainly possible. I never have been cardioverted, as the walking did that for me.

I've been on Flec for the almost 5 years, and the frequency has greatly reduced. I still get "breakthroughs" several times/month, and when I do, my episodes often occur in the early morning or evening, usually a few hours before it's time for my next dose of Flec. I take it and then they go away anywhere from a few minutes (more so if it's in the morning), to 2-3 hours. I did have a 14 hour episode about a week ago.....been getting closer and closer to going for that ablation..seems inevitable.

Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 24, 2013 07:26PM
Hi Nancy. I've had it for about 20 months with episodes lasting from 30 minutes to the longest of 72 hours. I believe it was about once a week with no attributable causes. in the 20 months it involved 6 trips to the hospital several that required cardioversion. Generally, I would self convert back to Sinus Rhythm within 24 hours

I've had theories about MSG as the trigger on one event but it is only a theory.

They started me with one of the xxx'ol drugs with carvedlilol as well but that made me feel terrible and they moved me to propafanone and carvedilol. Last summer they changed me from propafanone and carvedilol to amiodarone and carvedilol after it was determined the propafanone wasn't doing the job.

I have had no instances of afib since being moved to amiodarone. I sometimes feel my heart is pounding but that goes away. I have seen several cardiologists and an electro cardio and they all recommended amiodarone for me with my history. I personally am concerned with the toxicity of amiodarone so am seeking alternatives.

I am currently on the waiting list for an ablation procedure which should eliminate most of the drugs.

Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 25, 2013 02:08PM
Robert - you are smart to be concerned about the toxicity of the ami. It can really mess up your thyroid function and more.

There is abundant evidence about MSG being neurotoxic and a well-known trigger for AF...so learn all of the hidden names for MSG... it masquerades under many names on labels and will be found in most restaurant or commercially packaged and processed foods as flavor enhancers. Check the website MSG Truths...[www.msgtruth.org]

Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 25, 2013 04:50PM
MSG was definitely a trigger for me. I could almost always bring it on (AF) by scoffing down fried jumbo shrimp, chicken teriyaki, hot and sour soup and a moo shi chicken from this one Chinese restaurant which must've loaded up everything with the stuff.
Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 25, 2013 08:12PM
Shortest I've had was one hour or less until recently longest four days. Now ................ am in AF for sixth day and will be seven (a week) in a few hours. Thus, I presume I am now a permanent Afibber. Saw my cardio Thursday who told me I must stay on Pradaxa 24/7. Previoulsy I only took as PIP when Afib struck. I told him my stomach does not react well with Pradaxa. So he wrote a prescpition for Xarelto. But price horrendous. I told him no reversal for bleeds with either. He told me Coumadin reversal with Vit K can take three days.

Just wondering, per Nancy's purpose of this thread -------- has anyone self converted after a week or longer?

May be forced into Ablation -but it'll be three for sure --going all the way per:

Thank you,

Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 25, 2013 10:57PM

RE: I'm in hour 18 of the latest and starting to freak out a bit.

Did your episode self terminate?

Hope it did,

Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 25, 2013 11:59PM
Is Silicone Valley a Dr Natale facility? The results look really good.

Stephen, I hesitated and lost a year in the process - stupid reason in that I did not want to upset my travel insurance and thought I could cure it on my own. The problem has really ramped up quickly over the past 6 months. I believe I am going over the 24 hour period now before converting. In 9 days my ablation will be done and I can't wait for the relief.
Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 26, 2013 12:11AM

Yes, it did - 22 hours for that one. Thanks for asking. I hope yours terminates soon and is NOT permanent afib.
Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 26, 2013 06:24PM

RE: Is Silicone Valley a Dr Natale facility?


Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 27, 2013 01:17AM
To the gentleman who commented on his stomach and pradaxa.

Ensure you take it with food (usually during eating) and wash it down with at least 8 oz of liquid. The tartaric acid ( I think that's in it) can cause acid reflux like symptoms if you don't follow a strict regimen.

To the person who asked if you can convert after 24 hours.

From personal experience, I have self converted after 72 hours. I'm not medically trained only sharing my experience.


Re: Paroxysmal fibbers - longest & shortest episodes?
May 27, 2013 07:59PM

RE: Ensure you take it with food (usually during eating) and wash it down with at least 8 oz of liquid.
I will do so. Cardio's answer was Xeralto 20 Mg. --no way at $865.21 (90).


RE: I hope yours terminates soon and is NOT permanent afib.
At around 160th hour, in light of my fear of [stopamiodarone.blogspot.com] took Amiadrone and converted to NSR. Will continue to ponder an Ablation:

Thnak you for you replies.

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