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PACs/PVCs after ablation

Posted by afhound99 
PACs/PVCs after ablation
March 27, 2013 06:14PM
I am definitely noticing more of these now, 5 mths after ablation. I probably had them before. Question is are these things that prior to ablation might have initiated AF?
Re: PACs/PVCs after ablation
March 27, 2013 08:29PM
I have similar issues. My take is that the same causation that led to afib still exists and and continues to manifest as heart instability. which no longer includes afib due to the so-far successful ablation.
Re: PACs/PVCs after ablation
March 27, 2013 08:34PM
Yes that's my take too. So the Demon is in the cave trying to get out!
Re: PACs/PVCs after ablation
March 27, 2013 09:16PM
I don't know if we had them before ablation and just overlooked them because they were not afib, but I definitely noticed more ectopics post-ablation, sometimes so many I thought I was in afib. A flec. would straighten them out if they created too much noise. Now, 9 months post-ablation, barely a skipped beat every now and then smiling smiley
Re: PACs/PVCs after ablation
March 28, 2013 01:27AM
Hello Friends,
I am two months post ablation. Last week I have had two episodes of irregular heart beat that were similar to afib. The first one of the duration of a few minutes and the second lasted 30 minutes. Both occurred between midnight and 100pm while asleep. I am not wearing a monitor and therefore it is impossible to have a correct diagnose. Definitely there were skipped beats, faster beating than normal (90/100) and the beating of the heart was hard and felt in my chest and throat. Can it be tacky? I am no longer on Rhythmol, since the ablation, and on pradaxa and atenolol.

During my first month post ablation visit, my EP authorized me to resume running/jogging and weight lifting. I am not overdoing it but.... Could exercise be a trigger of this irregular heart beat or shall I relax and think it is part of the three month healing process?

I have not yet discussed these new findings with my EP and plan to do so by end of week.

Any suggestion/advise? I am trying to keep a positive outlook and attitude but these set backs are very unnerving.

Thank you and I am very glad that you all are doing well after your ablation. I wish to be off the hook real soon without having this monkey on my back at all times!,winking smiley
Re: PACs/PVCs after ablation
March 28, 2013 03:06AM
Could you please explain to me how you know the difference between PACS, ectopics, PVCs, and afib (which I always thought was "irregular heart beat"). At any time of day or night, if I put my fingers to my neck, I have an irregular heart beat. If I did not check I wouldn't feel anything. In my report from my 24-hour holter monitor in 2010, it made references to: Atrial Fibrilation: 10.4%; Ventricular Ectopy: .3%; Supraventricular Ectopy: 6.4%; and that sinus rate average was difficult to calculate because of frequent episodes of atrial tacharrhythmias. The average ventricular rates during atrial
tacharrhythmias were 100 - 150 bpm. There were occasional PVCs and frequent PACs.

How do you know what's going on? Thank you!
Re: PACs/PVCs after ablation
March 28, 2013 02:59PM
In my case I own a ekg machine ( a cheap little thing but it works) so I know by feel when I have a PVC. I even named it Fred - same waveform every time. Afib is irregular.
Re: PACs/PVCs after ablation
March 28, 2013 03:11PM
I'm calling mine Beelzebub
Re: PACs/PVCs after ablation
March 28, 2013 05:38PM
I would suggest you all try taking ginger, it calms the heart.
Take 2, 500mg capsules with breakfast and 2 before bed.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/28/2013 05:44PM by colindo.
Re: PACs/PVCs after ablation
March 28, 2013 08:07PM
AFhound... after my ablation, I went right back on all of the core nutrients (especially the electrolytes). I smuggled them into the hospital room with me and took as soon as I could get out of bed on my own. My heart was totally quiet until about 3 months later.. and I became a bit less strict with the electrolytes... then I had a breakthrough and was cardioverted. I resumed the strict regimin and all was peaceful for another 4 years. Then again, I became a bit less attentive to the strict regimen and I had one or two breakthroughs which converted with the PIP meds for 3 years running... At that time, Erling was emphasizing the role of the sodium to potassium ratio and how that might be the most important key to NSR... and once again, following that advice and adding other nutrients, I stabilized again and wrote The Strategy as a result. If you haven't read that lately, you may want to refresh your memory and start back with the core nutrients your heart requires and pay attention to your tissue pH because an alkaline tissue pH offer the best possible chance to maintain the heart energy or voltage that we need to stay in NSR. An acidic tissue pH will enhance nerve irritability and will inferfere with conduction as well as reduce the ability of the body to maintain healthy cells or produce new ones. Too many old cells doesn't provide for vibrant systemic functionality.

As I've often said, AF for us is our canary in the coal mine or a warning symptom of imbalances in the body. While ablations may temporarily fix the dysfuctional connections, we still need to provide the nutrients required for optimal energy production to all cells and circuits. If not, there will be misfiring.

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