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Two Months after initiating the Strategy, No Afib

Posted by John21 
Two Months after initiating the Strategy, No Afib
March 26, 2013 11:48PM
It's been 2 months since starting The Strategy as outlined by Jackie, (Thanks Jackie) and I have made it two months without an episode. Overall , my heart has been much calmer with very few irregular beats. Previously, my afib episodes had increased to 3/month, and generally lasted 18-24 hours. I had virtually stopped exercising, since even a fast walk in the cold started an episode.. I'm back to light exercise, trying to keep my pulse under 140. (I'm 49 , and was previously a competative triathlete and bike racer).
I think it has taken the full two months to find the right Magnesium dose, I was up to 1200 mg a day, with about 200 added transdermally, but now I'm reaching bowel tolerance at about 700 mg a day, with some still added transdermally. I almost blew it two days ago , eating a hot sausage sandwich at a basketball game , but I had about 700 mg of potassium with me, and that calmed my heart in about 15 minutes. ( I never went into afib, but I was having a skipped beat about every 15-30 seconds).
In addition to the Strategy, I've cut back considerably on sodium, increased vegetables, added Waller Water, MK7 90mg/day, Vit C 1000 mg, coconut oil ( about 1 teaspoon a day) and Vit D 8000 units a day.
Also my Naturapath did an allergy treatment on me for gluten, which seems to have helped significantly. No more burping and feeling bloated after meals, although I've still cut back significantly on gluten
And one more thing, I've been making a effort to chew my food really well. I've tried it before, but never really followed through with it. I think it makes a big difference. I think I'm chewing about twice as much as I used to .
I'm hoping to get back to exercising normally, although I don't need to compete anymore, I would be happy if I could take a hilly bike ride or a light run without worry.
Still making progress I hope, and feeling much healthier overall with the new diet.

Anonymous User
Re: Two Months after initiating the Strategy, No Afib
March 27, 2013 08:20AM
Good to hear about this, John. The more reports we get like this, the more likely that suffering newbies will try this method, even if their doctors tell them it won't help.

Re: Two Months after initiating the Strategy, No Afib
March 27, 2013 01:43PM
Hello John - You're very welcome. That certainly warms my heart to read your very quick success . You deserve huge credit for doing the heroics and becoming totally mindful and engaged in "the process"... as proven by your results. I've seen this over and over and I'm just thrilled for you.

The one thing as you observe... commercially prepared food is often the culprit and it doesn't take long in a fragile balance to prove it. I always carry extra potassium even though I always 'eat smart'... but find most food is salted because the general taste of the public leans toward the salty side.

I'll be revising and updating The Strategy in coming months because of some recent experiences that help refine the total process. The Strategy is just a guide and it serves as a general starting platform of fundamentals that can be added to and refined to suit individual's own personal biochemical/biophysical requirements.

Good job! Thanks for posting your success story which was produced in a fairly short period of time... even more good news.

Best to you and Peace in your heart,
Re: Two Months after initiating the Strategy, No Afib
March 27, 2013 02:38PM
John, thank you so much for your report and congratulations to you! I have only started The Strategy (a couple of weeks) so it is very encouraging to read these success stories. Have you ever had an ablation or conversion and are you on any medications?

I have read of people keeping magnesium or potassium with them "for emergencies." Once you are taking the full amount, are they used as a "pill in the pocket?"

Jackie, I look forward to your updated version of The Strategy.

Re: Two Months after initiating the Strategy, No Afib
March 27, 2013 09:20PM
No, Louise, I'm not on any medications, nor have I had an ablation. I'm actually more open to the surgery than to starting meds. I've had the afib for 8 years, but this is the first time I've really committed to improving my diet and trying the entire strategy . I was previously on some magnesium,and I tried half heartedly to avoid some triggers. I guess it took the afib getting worse for me to make a better commitment. The really nice thing is that I feel really healthy in general. I've lost weight, and I'm much leaner. And that is pretty much without any exercise. I think I used to eat what I wanted, then exercise enough so that I wouldn't gain weight. It worked for weight control, but I can see now it wasn't a healthy strategy. I'm looking forward to the updates to Jackie!

Re: Two Months after initiating the Strategy, No Afib
March 28, 2013 08:35PM
Louise... (and John)...

The "carrying with" of emergency Mg and K ... are in addition to what is taken in daily. I always have a container of both but mainly and routinely use the potassium when I eat out as a preventive measure. While I always order and eat 'plain'... it's difficult to avoid getting too much sodium. I take about 600 mg potassium at the start of a restaurant meal. If I travel, I definitely have that stash plus all the other core nutrients so I don't alter my daily routine at all.

On the update... it's really going to be a refinement of the core nutrients offered in the original Strategy with some refinement for a couple other nutrients that I was using but didn't bring them into the mix. In hindsight, they should have been included as "optional."

If you follow The Strategy basics and also remember that what I call the Lynch-pin for Success... is really the role of potassium in the AF story...as it relates to the ratio of how much potassium to sodium is inside the heart cells ... (really, all cells) and then, how that relates to energy production. You won't maintain progress and stability unless you focus there and how that relates to energy production. The other key issue is tissue pH which is presented in the General Forum for some unknown reason, but without maintaining alkaline pH consistently heart energy production may inconsistent as well as low pH interprets to low voltage. Energy = voltage.

The Strategy update will include a reference to Conference Room Session 72..because combined, they hold the keys to success. For now, please spend time reading CR 72... there is a wealth of info and tips to help you achieve success and understand the importance of the pH issue.

Prior to the Strategy update, I'll be sharing with you my recent AF adventure.

Stay tuned and be well.


Alkalinity, Healing, pH and Voltage - The Inside Story

The Strategy - What Metabolic Cardiology Means to Afibbers

Conference Room Session 72
Potassium/Sodium Ratio in Atrial Fibrillation (February 7 - June 11, 2011)

Magnesium Absorption

Potassium Content of Food
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