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Ablation Update

Posted by Chukker 
Ablation Update
March 16, 2013 05:36PM
Had my ablation on 13 February 2013, just passed 30 days in NSR! So far no A Fib or skips that I can tell.
Cost of the Ablation = $98,449.98
Cost after Insurance Adjustments = $60,736.30

Re: Ablation Update
March 17, 2013 10:57AM
C, sounds great so far! mine was 117,000! got you beat.....I am at 7 months no afib, I did have a few short bursts of tach though at weeks 4, 15, 16 and 22....so watch the trigger \s still

Re: Ablation Update
March 17, 2013 12:26PM
I'm at 5 months, no AF either but getting more PVC or PAC runs for some reason.
Re: Ablation Update
March 17, 2013 03:20PM
I'm at 6 months. no afib but some short tachy similar to T. Poppino. Nothing for the last 5 weeks but my familiar PVC's. I've got a ventricular hot spot I've named Fred - been there for years - he mostly pops up during and after exercise. I too, avoid triggers.

My total ablation related costs = $159740. Hmmm, no problemo... However,,, Medicare paid $18785, my own insurance paid $2676, and I paid $236 to the hospital for a total of $21697. $159740 vs $21697...good grief. Money and religion confuses society, LOL... We be a funny bunch of primates!

My medicare notifications included the rejection of an assistant surgeon charge which they said was not necessary and thus not payable - I suspect that was part of the bloated inititial charge.

Tom B.

PS There is absolutely no doubt that my heart is still healing at 6 months (it continues to noticeably strengthen as noted during hard exercise) - based on my own experience the often dissussed 3 month post-ablation healing period should not be assumed - pushing my heart too soon - even after 4 months led to the tachy episodes noted above.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2013 03:29PM by Tom B.
Re: Ablation Update
March 17, 2013 06:44PM
Tom, I have a question for you. My ablation cost me 2k deductible and 2,5k co insurance. Total bill was around 60K and 33k after adjustment. How come you only paid $ 236? Can you give more info on you insurance plan?

By the way... 8 weeks post ablation. One tacky at sixth week which lasted 5 hours. Follow up visit last week with my EP. He mentioned it is normal for atrial flutter to happen during blanking period. My heart rate is faster than usual since my surgery. now at 75bpm vs 55 bpm pre ablation. Doc commented that was a good sign for a successful ablation. I have been authorized to resume running and gym activities. Ran today for 25 minutes and feel really good.

I know I have a long way to go... And keeping my finger crossed.

Have a great week.

Re: Ablation Update
March 17, 2013 08:19PM
I have a premium Blue Cross insurance plan with no deductible and no co-insurance amount - it costs more but is effective when one knows big bills are likely imminent :-).

Re: Ablation Update
March 17, 2013 09:10PM
Tom B,
Good to hear you're doing well at 6 months especially after you went permanent.
Re: Ablation Update
March 18, 2013 01:12AM
Thanks McHale - I continue to gain confidence but still feel the monkey on my back.
How are you doing?
Re: Ablation Update
March 19, 2013 02:34AM
Hey Tom,
Still got the monkey on my back too but doing okay living life to the fullest. I'm staying on the Flec for now episodes seem to have diminished once I cut back on supplements but still have break outs every 7-10-14 days nothing that I let bother me. Usually a scotch or beer calms it down or stops it many times go figure. In light of some of the news out of the AFIB Symposium 2013 doctors are still clueless as to what actually cause AFIB:

* More afib does not make more fibrosis (we need to rethink "afib begets afib")

* The length of AF and burden of AF bear no relationship to the amount of fibrosis - arrhythmia does not cause it
* Ablation is not a cure - fibrosis cannot be cured by ablation; in fact, he said that after a successful ablation, remodeling continues to be progressive

* Fibrosis appears to be genetic

As Clint said Marvelous............
The most complicated disease isn't Tom........

Hopefully we can sort all this out
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