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My Viagra experiment

Posted by Poppino 
My Viagra experiment
March 04, 2013 01:26AM
As most of you know I was ablated last 8/21, so far so good! no afib.......recently I asked my MD (a female) to try a little Viagra, honestly I do not have to have it but thought a little might be "fun"......she gave me the script.....got to the pharmacy....103 bucks for three tabs! I of course was shocked.......turns out the pharmacy asked if I had ever had it before....no......so anyway I got the first 3 free! 100 MG....MD said try half.....I took a quarter..........I have walked the afib tightrope with no net before and got burned....so I was a little nervous.....that night I took the 1/4.....within 15 mins I lit up like a Christmas Tree! and my HR went to 87...I got panic-eee....not real condusive for what I was hoping for...............

Anyway no afib but I learned a bit...........no more viagra

Re: My Viagra experiment
March 04, 2013 01:50AM
> and my HR went to 87..

Ok... and then ? :-)
Re: My Viagra experiment
March 04, 2013 02:33AM
> 103 bucks for three tabs!



So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: My Viagra experiment
March 04, 2013 04:08AM
Maybe your anxiety made your BP go up. A bpm of 87 isn't going to hurt you. Your still alive, eh ?

If you exercise regularily and get you HR higher than that, then you shouldn't worry too much. But I've tried it before too and took 1/2 a tab and that was plenty (for the desired effect ). Actualy it gave me a nasty headache the next morning.
Re: My Viagra experiment
March 04, 2013 04:55AM
Stuffs up your nose too, but worth it (maybe...)
Re: My Viagra experiment
March 04, 2013 08:04PM

I looked at the properties of viagra and cialis 8 years ago. As I recall they will give your either a vagolytic or promote a sympathetic response (I don't remember which). So they might be beneficial for a vagal afibber in this regard and contraindicated for an adronergic one. As I posted in your original question, former poster Gunnar from Sweden used cialis as a part of his afib remission program.

Re: My Viagra experiment
March 04, 2013 08:49PM
OK update on Viagra, I have now found that just a small peice works great! 1/8 or even less......I like it and makes total sense that may be good for vagal which I was (am)....little higher HR and lower BP..........T
Re: My Viagra experiment
March 05, 2013 12:09AM
you men are sooo funny with your viagra stories, glad im a woman!
Re: My Viagra experiment
March 05, 2013 01:59AM
Janet if it were not for you women we would'nt need viagra! it's all your fault

Re: My Viagra experiment
March 08, 2013 03:47AM
My only experience with Viagra was when I was in hospital. They gave it to me to keep me from rolling off the bed.

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: My Viagra experiment
March 11, 2013 03:25AM
Murray, did you get your Tikosyn? Did you survive the shortage?
Re: My Viagra experiment
March 11, 2013 04:11AM
Murray - thanks for the belly laugh!
Re: My Viagra experiment
March 12, 2013 08:56AM
Murray your such a funny guy I love that viagra joke, just about to tell it to my husband who doesnt need it by the way..... cause hes got me!
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