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waller water?

Posted by John21 
waller water?
January 26, 2013 09:38PM
Tired searching around the site looking for exact ingredients and amounts to make waller water. Looking for someone to save me some work.
Re: waller water?
January 26, 2013 10:43PM
Did an advanced search and found this post from Erling:

Making magnesium-bicarbonate drinking water called WW using magnesium hydroxide in Milk of Magnesia and carbon dioxide in carbonated water
The chemical conversion in water is: Mg(OH)2 + (CO2)2 --> Mg++ and (HCO3-)2

Step 1. Chill to refrigerator temperature a 1 (or 2) liter bottle of carbonated water consisting of water and carbon dioxide (CO2), sometimes called Seltzer water.

Step 2. Shake well a bottle of plain Milk of Magnesia (MoM), then measure out 3 tbsp* (6 tbsp for 2 liters). The plastic measuring cup that comes with the MoM is accurate and ideal for the purpose. Use only plain MoM without flavorings, sweeteners, mineral oil, or other additives. The "active ingredient" should be only magnesium hydroxide, 400 mg per teaspoon (5 ml), and the "inactive ingredient" should be only water (check the label). 3 tablespoons (45 ml) of MoM has 3,600 mg of Mg hydroxide.*

*Alternatively use 3,600 mg Mg hydroxide powder - a bit less than 1 tsp (1 tsp = ~4,100 mg).

Step 3. Making concentrated magnesium bicarbonate water: Remove the cap of the chilled bottle of carbonated water slowly to minimize loss of CO2. Pour out a few inches into a glass and save it. Pour in the pre-measured MoM and replace as much as possible of the saved carbonated water. Replace the cap tightly. and shake the bottle vigorously making the liquid cloudy. After 1/2 hour or so the liquid will have cleared, and un-dissolved Mg hydroxide will have settled to the bottom. Again shake the bottle vigorously making the liquid cloudy again. After several hours (up to 24?) all of the CO2 will have reacted with the Mg hydroxide in the MoM to become dissolved ionized magnesium (Mg++) and bicarbonate (HCO3-). If a small amount of un-dissolved Mg hydroxide remains as a sediment ignore it. One liter of this concentrated magnesium bicarbonate water will have ~1,500 mg of magnesium and ~9,000 mg of bicarbonate. Diluting this concentrate 11 to 1 makes it essentially identical to Australia's magnesium-bicarbonate Unique Water..

Step 4. Making WW essentially identical to Unique Water: Dilute the concentrate 11 to 1 with plain water.
-- Example: 1 oz. concentrate + 11 oz. water = 12 oz. WW, which is a bit more than 1/3 liter or 1/3 quart.
-- Example: 3 oz. concentrate + 33 oz. water = 36 oz. WW, which is a bit more than 1 liter (34 oz) or 1 quart (32 oz.).
-- Example: 11 oz. concentrate + 121 oz. water = 132 oz. WW, which is close to 4 liters (135 oz) or 1 gallon (128 oz).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/08/2012 12:21PM by Erling.
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Re: waller water?
January 27, 2013 04:09AM
Gill has it. Here is the full report: [afibbers.org]

Re: waller water?
January 27, 2013 03:26PM
John - This is really very easy. You can do it in less than a couple minutes. If you have trouble, send me an email.

Just get the ingredients... chill the seltzer. Pour out some...like 3/4 of a cup and reserve it in a glass or cup... to add back in later.

Slowly pour the correct amount of the MoM into the bottle of chilled water... it bubbles and churns and may overflow if you add to quickly or don't remove some of the seltzer first.

After all the MoM is added, pour the reserved seltzer back in the bottle. Cap. Shake the bottle gently several times to mix. Chill again until the solution is totally clear. Then it's ready to use.

Sometimes I check and shake again in an hour or so since occasionally not all the MoM is completely mixed and will settle in the bottom. That's okay.
Bottles of seltzer vary and just because it settles out, doesn't mean the batch is bad.

You are ready to add the WW concentrate to your drinking water. I keep a pitcher of water to which I add the WW on my countertop... ready to use anytime. Others refrigerate. Skoal!

As we are reminded in the book by Theodore Baroody, Alkalize or Die, this is a wonderful assist to healthy living via alkalizing tissue and using the WW is perfect... easy, economical, and makes our water taste really good.

Thank you Erling for making this available and so easy.

Re: waller water?
January 27, 2013 03:46PM
Thanks Everyone!
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