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We need more Docs & Nurses with afib

Posted by Nancy 
We need more Docs & Nurses with afib
October 14, 2012 11:02PM
Ok, no, I wouldn't wish the monster on anyone. But if does get frustrating when, like in my ER visit yesterday (and into the night) I met person after person who greeted my "I'm in afib" with a nodding condecension and a "we'll check to see." One nurse came back in finally and asked if I could really feel when I was in afib and what it felt like. I described it as best I could to her (butterflies in stomach to start for me, then flipping feeling in chest). She nodded, hopefully going away not that eager to dismiss the next person who comes in saying their in afib.
Anonymous User
Re: We need more Docs & Nurses with afib
October 15, 2012 03:35AM
Apparently most people. doctors and nurses too, cannot feel their own hearts beating and therefore they do not believe you can either. This is a very common problem that i have found in emergency rooms, and why i avoid them if i can. among other reasons.

Re: We need more Docs & Nurses with afib
October 24, 2012 06:46PM
I agree!
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