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My EP mailed all my medical records from 2007 - 2012 (hilarious & spooky too)

Posted by Tom Poppino 
I think it was Shannon many weeks back that suggested I request copies of my records from Sanger Clinic and my EP here in Charlotte. Friday it all arrived......75 or so pages. I am almost 6 weeks post ablation so those notes were included. While reading my wife and I got several very good laughs! but there is also some info that was alarming.

Two or 3 times i was referred to as being very muscularized......my wife had tears running down her face she was laughing so hard.......they also said of me (back in 2009) that I appear much younger that my actual age! my ego was soaring.......another 2010 report stated - "Tom considers himself an expert on atrial fibrillation, he actually said so" - this caused more laughter.

Prior to a cardioversion in 2009 - " Tom used Yohimbe last night and he thinks it triggered this episode, he uses it for his impotence"......now my wife was laughing so hard I could not hear her.........I do not have impotence.

OK, the not so funny stuff...

Following my ablation Dr Holshouser wrote that I have some mild LVH (left ventricle ?) and it states I have had some uncontrolled BP problems and that I am reluctant to use meds at theraputic levels. Also that I have some mild fibrosis.......Erling!!!!

In summary it's all very interesting and I am amazed that they have gone to this degree, virtually every visist and procedure!

My followup with Holshouser is Oct 9 and I will address all of these issues, so far I have had no rhythm issues since my ablation.....resting HR is 75 to 80, I take it twice a day.....so I am up from 64

Tom P
Re: My EP mailed all my medical records from 2007 - 2012 (hilarious & spooky too)
October 01, 2012 02:01AM

I would guess that LVH is Left Ventrical Hyperthrophy a toughening/thickening of the Left Ventrical wall.

One of my mates was found to have quite serious Left Ventrical Hyperthrophy at a comprehensive medical check up so following a chat with me he started taking Vitamin C, Lysine and Proline religeously every day and at the next check up 6 months later - at a different but still top notch hospital - there was no mention in the relevant extensive report of any Hyperthrophy.

It would seem highly unlikely that something so serious could be missed and not included in his follow up medical report.

Barry G.
Barry thanks for that....why Proline? I carry that amino acid in my store..........Tom

It was just a typo- he meant to say you were impudent. A very muscular, impudent Yohimbe afib expert. Picture that...


I think I am going to ask for my records, Lord knows what's in there-

Take care,

Hi Tom -- Good to know you're doing well!
Hi Barry -- Thanks for the reminder on "Linus Pauling Therapy" (~19,000 googles) This is useful:

The Pauling Therapy [practicingmedicinewithoutalicense.com]

Last page - daily amounts::

Pauling Therapy Summary

Vitamin C (6,000 to 18,000 mg)
Lysine (5,000 to 6,000 mg)

Pauling Therapy Enhancements
Proline (250 to 2,000 mg)
Coenzyme Q10 (100 to 300 mg)
Magnesium (150 to 1,500 mg)

Vitamin C (3,000 to 10,000 mg)
Lysine (2,000 to 4,000 mg)


Linus Pauling's Therapy®
About the Cause and Linus Pauling's Non-prescription "Cure" for America's #1 Killer
[text and videos: [www.paulingtherapy.com]

Last Updated: Mon Sep 17 19:34:04 UTC 2012

"I think we can get almost complete control of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes by the proper use of (vitamin C and lysine) ... even cure it." - From Linus Pauling's Last Interview.


Linus Pauling [en.wikipedia.org]

Linus Carl Pauling (February 28, 1901 – August 19, 1994)[1] was an American chemist, biochemist, peace activist, author, and educator. He was one of the most influential chemists in history and ranks among the most important scientists of the 20th century.[2][3][4] Pauling was one of the founders of the fields of quantum chemistry and molecular biology.

Pauling is the only person to be awarded two unshared Nobel Prizes, one of only four individuals to have won more than one (Marie Curie, John Bardeen and Frederick Sanger are the others) and one of only two people awarded Nobel Prizes in different fields (the Chemistry and Peace prizes), the other being Marie Curie (the Chemistry and Physics prizes). [5]

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2012 06:37PM by Erling.
Tom, Erlings answer sums it all up.

Erling, I notice in the articals that one mentioned 'Tower's Heart Technology' - a mixture of Vit C/Lysine/Proline plus others - and this is what my mate used and still uses. Its simple to take and there's no measuring out of each individual suppliment, ideal for those who find it hard to stick to a regimen.

I personally get my - and sometimes my friends - Vit C, Lysine,Proline in individual containers from Han's iHerb store, much cheaper all round.

Whilst on the subject I would advise all to google ...Vitamin C foundation for a wealth of easy reading on the importance of Vitamin C.

Barry G.
Practicing Medicine Without a License? The Story of the Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease.
Pauling therapy handbook
Owen Fonorow with Sally Snyder Jewell.

Free pages and reviews at [www.amazon.com]

Book Description

"This book by the co-founder of the Vitamin C Foundation [www.vitamincfoundation.org] covers the greater than 50-year history of the vitamin C theory of heart disease as well as the 12-year history of a therapy for cardiovascular disease invented by the American scientist, Linus Pauling. Heart patients who decided to follow Linus Pauling's advice recovered in approximately 30 days, and many experienced significant relief in as little as 10 days. The recoveries only occurred after these former patients adopted the Pauling-therapy®, usually without their doctor's knowledge or consent"
Hi Erling - and all,

the statement 'Heart patients who decided to follow Linus Pauling's advice recovered in approximately 30 days, and many experienced significant relief in as little as 10 days' would seem to be ludicrous - if you believe BIG PHARM - but I know its true.

In the archives of the BB there is my story of a guy I worked with in Hong Kong from S. Carolina and 12 years previous this bloke had needed a double or was it a triple bypass of his heart it was so clogged up. He inquired why I was going to Bordeaux so I told him my AF story then he told me his bypass story. I told him to take the Vit C etc and I provided the actual goods the day before I flew to France and re-ordered via Han's connection. Three weeks later after the ablation in Bordeuax ( I was swinging it a bit as I was OK within a few days - never been sick in my life before and I deserved it) I returned to work and found the guy jogging up the staircase of the officies. I later caught up with the guy and he said the improvement was so good the new bypass that his doctor had been proposing had been put on the back burner.
This to me is really evidence of the power of the Linus Pauling Therapy. I know of other major success stories as well and have reported here.

To keep things in balance I must state that the Vit C etc did not stop my personal AF but then I am probably a real case of Lone Atrial Fibrillation - apparently an heart like a Rolls Royce RB211 engine when in NSR - many reading this may not be real Lone Afibbers and could consider checking up on Linus Pauling.

Most AF is apparently caused by heart disease so it should follow that get rid of the disease - via Linus Pauling Therapy - and the AF should stop. Its got to be worth a try given the alternatives. Real Lone Afibbers by definition can't blame their condition on anything i.e. shooting in the dark, hence Han's wesite.

Barry G. ex Afibber via unsung heroine of Bordeaux Ms Hocini 2009.
Re: My EP mailed all my medical records from 2007 - 2012 (hilarious & spooky too)
October 12, 2012 03:34AM
How do you define heart disease? Many here are lone affibers from what I deduce.......
I have no heart disease or valve problems my heart is like a GE90 jet engine when in NSR according to my last stress test in May.....
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