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experience going from Tikosyn to Rythmol?

Posted by Mary 
experience going from Tikosyn to Rythmol?
September 28, 2012 01:42PM
Has anyone gone back to Rythmol after being on Tikosyn? I've been on Tikosyn (250 mcg 2x/day) since January 2011. This year, I've already had 5 cardioversions -- most recently 9/17/12 -- and woke up yesterday morning back in arrythmia. I was on Rythmol for three years before going on Tikosyn and seemed to tolerate it pretty well. But I don't think Tikosyn isn't doing the job any longer.

Also, would I have to be hospitalized to be weaned off Tikosyn?

I'm not a very good candidate for an ablation due to an enlarged atrium, according to an EP I consulted at the Cleveland Clinic. But I may not have many choices if I can't find a medication that will keep me in rhythm.

I have an appointment with my cardiologist on Oct. 4.
Re: experience going from Tikosyn to Rythmol?
September 28, 2012 04:56PM
Mary, I was on Rythmol for 6 years. It stopped working . I stopped it cold turkey, I believe that was a mistake. Went into constant afib for a couple of months. Went into hospital to start Tikoysin. It worked for an in and out of rhytthm period, two days in , two days out. Had first ablation in September of 2011 and used Tikoysin as drug for a little while during the blanking period. I requested to be put back on the Rythmol. I had to wait a short time for the TIkooysin to get out of my system. No hospitaloization required. I hope I have helped you. Lynda
Re: experience going from Tikosyn to Rythmol?
September 28, 2012 05:21PM
Thanks, Lynda. Have you had a second ablation? I hear it's normal to have at least two. As for Rythmol, I was on a heavy dose. My doctor started talking about amiodarone, which spurred me into researching alternatives. That's when I came across Tikosyn. I don't really understand how Tikosyn works. Something about ions. Maybe starting Rythmol again will be like going on it for the first time. Apparently there's no silver bullet drug.
Re: experience going from Tikosyn to Rythmol?
September 28, 2012 10:52PM
Geez. I've been on TIKOSYN since Dec 2011 and cannot, for the life of me, despite ingesting every trigger I know, get 30 seconds of aFib needed to qualify for a research study.

I suppose this shows us that (a) no single med is forever; and (b) different strokes for different folks, TIKOSYN is not for everyone as I have been told.

I am hoping it lasts long enough to permit me, in NSR, to have my left atrium shrink from 60 mm down below 50mm and get me in line for an ablation (or three). I am presently down to 56mm. LA. Hoping that I keep shrinking in NSR; fingers crossed. I am watching this thread with great interest as I have no idea where to turn if and when MY TIKOSYN stops doing its job.

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
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