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Magnesium glycerophosphate- is it any good?

Posted by Justine 
Magnesium glycerophosphate- is it any good?
September 18, 2012 04:23PM
I have just got back from the emergency dept after a 12 hour episode of AF. I converted as they were about to start the IV of flecainide. Instead, the doctor gave me an IV of magnesium as the blood work showed it to be low even though for 8 years I have been taking mg, currently 800mg Blue Bonnet Albion magnesium chelate and 1500mg potassium gluconate daily plus many of the other supps recommended here. He has sent me home with magnesium glycerophosphate tablets, 4 mmol Mg/tablet, to take 2, 3x a day. I have never heard of this form of mg. Does anyone now anything about it and how much elemental mg this dose would give me each day?
Anonymous User
Re: Magnesium glycerophosphate- is it any good?
September 18, 2012 05:22PM
Per [www.mgwater.com]

1 mEq Mg = 0.5 mmol Mg = 12.3 mg Mg
therefor 1.0 mmol Mg = 24.6 mg Mg,
4 mmol Mg per tablet = ~100 mg Mg per tablet,
2 tablets 3 times per day = 600 mg Magnesium per day.

Absorption of magnesium glycerophosphate according to: [www.magnetic-field-natural-cures.com]

"In the case of magnesium glycerophosphate, it is liposoluble (salts are water soluble, liposoluble means soluble in lipids or fats). In that case it follows the gut absorption of fats that depends on the production of an enzyme: the pancreatic lipase. This enzyme is highly variable in production and follows a supply-demand curve. If your diet is poor in fats, you don’t secrete lipase and you don’t absorb fats. Some medications also decrease the production of lipase. So without lipase, no absorption of magnesium glycerophosphate."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2012 05:29PM by Erling.
Re: Magnesium glycerophosphate- is it any good?
September 18, 2012 06:23PM
Thank you Erling for answering all my questions in one hit ! Looks like I should still take more of my own mg to get back to around 800 mg a day.Re it being liposoluble, I don't know what my lipase production is like, but I do take a digestive enzyme that contains it. I wonder why this form of magnesium in not commonly recommended here?
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