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The last time I had an Exatest a year or so ago, it showed very high IC Calcium as in 7.0 as against a range of (if I recall correctly) 3.5 to 5.0.

As such, and given I take an albeit lowish dose of daily flecainide (75mg BID - I am a 6'4" 220lb male) I'm wondering if SR diliazem would, being a Ca channel blocker, actually help to prevent the inflow of Ca into cells thus facilitating the possible inflow of more MG into cells?? (I have just commenced a new course of weekly IM Mg injections with my GP.)

So, in a nutshell, will taking a Ca blocker assist me in my quest to lower my IC Ca?? (My IC Mg was only 31 at my last abovementioned Exatest.)

As ever, any and all input would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Calcium Channel Blocker to combat high intracellular Calcium??!
September 18, 2012 04:43PM
Hi Mike - You've been at this a while now and I've forgotten the details on your evalutions other than Exatest so I'm inquiring if you have had the parathyroid evaluation to rule out parathyroid malfunction or if there are benign nodules that might be related to the elevated calcium? If not, that would certainly be in order.
Best to you,

Hi Jackie,
Good idea I'll get that checked out.
Please see my last post to the next door thread of mine regarding PVCs and PACs as to doc having to stop my MG injections.....
Also here in the UK my doc can't do phlebotomies unless my ferritin is over 1000..... mine's usually 250-450.
Yes the Parathyroid test if very important for an afibber with high serum or especially IC calcium. Also, while they are poking you already, have them check your '25(OH)D3' as well (that's the name of the correct Vitamin D blood test) ... just to see where your Vitamin D status is? If your are supplementing religiously with good-sized doses of Vitamin D, the high calcium might als obe driven by excess levels of Vit D .. which can also reflect in an out of range Parathyroid test too. Anyway, good to get a complete snapshot of those possible contributors to your high calcium.

And the IV mag is a wonderful natural calcium channel blocker as well, as is taking .. and absorbing ... enough oral or topical Magnesium.

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