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Current research and studies always greatly appreciated.

Posted by Chuck Connors 
Current research and studies always greatly appreciated.
June 14, 2012 06:47PM
I'm extremely glad that I found this site. There is loads of good information from highly experienced people. There is one thing I've noticed that I'm finding interesting and perplexing at the same time. I'm curious why people reference or quote studies or papers that were written long ago, e.g. 1932, 1938, 1980, 2008, etc.... One person commented that afib technology changes as quickly as with TV's, which is not very often. Maybe that's the simple answer right there. It's just my observation and nothing more. -Chuck-
Re: Current research and studies always greatly appreciated.
June 15, 2012 08:36AM

In May 2007 I asked Dr Jais in Bordeaux how the 'new' robotic ablation Steriotaxi?? equipment was doing as I had read that Bordeaux had purchased one via the Steriotaxi website. He kinda side stepped how the new equipment was doing and instead stated that it would be at least five years before robotic machines would render pure human skill obsolete. I got the impression the Steriotaxi machine was still in the box and stated as such on the BB at the time.

Maybe another 5 years to wait yet.

Barry G.
Re: Current research and studies always greatly appreciated.
June 15, 2012 02:41PM
The thermocool catheter, which is the current RF gold standard, wasn't available for the Stereotaxis magnets until 2009 so it seems they installed it a bit too early. I am shopping TVs for my father in law now that his 10 year old DLP (rear projection) TV is failing. Technology is about the same as last year, more choices and about the same price for LED TVs. Larger sizes are available compared to last year and most are 3D capable. I think TV technology is moving faster than ablation technology. We have to add FDA reviews to the timeline.
Re: Current research and studies always greatly appreciated.
June 15, 2012 03:33PM

For current information on ablation techniques and other subjects relating to afib you may wish to consider subscribing to The AFIB Report [www.afibbers.org] and for recent information on afib developments in general you may wish to visit the afibbers. com database [www.afibbers.com]

Re: Current research and studies always greatly appreciated.
June 15, 2012 08:53PM
Researcher, I appreciate your comment: "We have to add FDA reviews to the timeline." A physician assistant I spoke with at my EP's office stated the reason people being put on Tikosyn are required to have a 2 - 3 day hospital stay is due to poor timing on when Tikosyn became available in the marketplace and the sediment at the FDA at the time toward such medication. I thought it was an interesting commentary on the roadblocks at the FDA.

Re: Current research and studies always greatly appreciated.
June 15, 2012 09:09PM
OK. Thank you, Hans. -Chuck-
Re: Current research and studies always greatly appreciated.
June 16, 2012 02:58PM
Chuck, If you go to the Biosense-Webster website and look under the history tab, you will get an idea about the evolution in EP tools. The initial concepts, development and testing of the tools all started with Jackman's clinic at U. of Oklahoma. Better tools seem to have enabled better understanding and treatment of different sorts of arrhythmias including AF.
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