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Stopping Meds, increasing mag

Posted by Steve 
Stopping Meds, increasing mag
May 26, 2012 09:38PM
I am scheduled to have my ablation in Bordeaux in three weeks, and with nothing to lose in the short term, I decided to completely wean off the flecianide and increase the magnesium. So far so good after two weeks, flec down to just 75 mgs at night from (125) in total (try to be off by Tuesday), and the mag is way up with three intramuscular shots a week, plus daily 1500 glycinate and 200-300 of WW. Lets see what happens. I feel great, fewer ectopics than in any time in recent memory.

Also on a positive front, I think that the US insurance company is going to cover the out of network costs of the ablation in Bordeaux It is not a done done deal, but we are close and they seem to be happy with the prestige of the lab and the reduced cost. I will know this week.

Re: Stopping Meds, increasing mag
May 27, 2012 04:14AM
Chances are good that they will keep you on the Flec after the ablation. Thats what they did for me, 200 mg time release capsule of flec once a day. Wishing you good luck Steve on your upcoming ablation.

Re: Stopping Meds, increasing mag
May 27, 2012 10:35AM
Thanks very much Adrian, Yes I am familiar with the post ablation protocol. My current desire is to know whether my current Mag and K levels can hold off an epsiode w/o Flec. Even with the ablation, I remain very concerned of the significant amount of magnesium that I need to keep my intra-cellular mag at reasonable levels. I equate these levels with being a persistent or a paroxysmal afibber. When I have enough mag in me the episodes don't usually last more than four or five hours, when I don't my sense is that episiodes will persist, regardless of whether I use the pill in the pocket or not. Three years ago I had a sixty day episode, but since then have not had an episode that has lasted more than a day. The EPs that I have consulted (except Pierre Jais) all say that I have returned to being a paroxysmal afibber. Prof. Jais calls me somewhere between paroxysmal and persistent. Seemingly, the complexity and the success of the ablation will depend on where I am at in this regard. In attempting to confront this experience, I am trying to exercise whatever control I can, however limted that may be.

Anonymous User
Re: Stopping Meds, increasing mag
May 27, 2012 09:40PM
Hi Steve - thanks for your optimistic note, and best wishes!

Since revisiting the 20+ year science behind alkaline magnesium bicarbonate water (aka WW), I'm more convinced than ever of the reason for its efficacy in AF. Biochemist / pathologist Russell Beckett chose magnesium for his 17 year (!) alkaline water clinical trial with "a representative mammal" because it was the ideal "co-transporter" for moving alkaline bicarbonate into cells through the plasma membrane.

Earlier today I reread biophysicist Richard Moore's 2001 interview with biochemist Richard Passwater [www.drpasswater.com] and was again reminded that optimal performance of the sodium/potassium pumps is responsible for maintaining intracellular excitatory calcium at very low levels via calcium pumps -- less than 1/10,000 the extracellular level -- also keeping IC acid low via hydrogen ion (H+) pumps. CR 72 shows that optimal performance of the Na/K pumps allows optimal response of electrically operated (voltage gated) ion channels during each heartbeat, effectively increasing the cells' refractory period duration thus lessening the risk of arrhythmia. [www.afibbers.org] Had there been more time and enthusiasm, CR 72 would have continued by showing that reducing the cells' carbonic acid (raising pH) with alkaline bicarbonate augments the Na/K pumps' activity, further discouraging AF..

Your daily 200-300 mg of magnesium from WW = 1,200 - 1,800 mg bicarbonate, which reduces the cells' carbonic acid and helps reduce excitatory calcium, so alkalizing the cells might well be a contributor to your current success. Please tell us - for how long have you been taking alkaline WW, and how much?

Thanks, and best wishes again!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2012 09:44PM by Erling.
Re: Stopping Meds, increasing mag
May 27, 2012 10:02PM
Hi Erling,

I have used the WW only the last two weeks with very good results, at least in terms of a calm heart. I am in complete agreement with you about alkalinity. I have also been very conscience in the last two weeks of drinking water with a higher PH level. I notice now when I take supplements that there is less rumbling in my chest. My goal here is to calm down the heart as much as possible before the ablation. My thinking is that I am person who had a 60 day episode ( three years back), and I I want to make this ablation as simple as possible for the esteemed Professeur Jais. I have not had a two day episode since, so hopefully I truly have become a paroxysmal affiber. Alkalizing my body can only help cells heal.

All the Best,
Anonymous User
Re: Stopping Meds, increasing mag
May 27, 2012 11:39PM
Hi again Steve -

WW for just 2 weeks!! I would dearly love for you to have three solid weeks of NSR before heading to Bordeaux. Not only would it be great for you, but also an excellent learning experience for us.

Your 200-300 mg of magnesium from WW = 1.6 to 2.4 liters WW per day. Why not 2 1/2 liters WW per day totaling about 1,900 mg bicarbonate per day for the next weeks?

It's important to remember the heart's muscles being the first to let us know there's probably something amiss in all 75 trillion cells. As Jackie says, it's like the proverbial canary in the coal mine. Conversely, correcting the heart's tissues likely corrects things wrong throughout the body. That has been the lesson from Moore's The High Blood Pressure Solution, Boynton, McCarty, and Moore's The Salt Solution, and Dr. Silver's Exatest interpretation guide.

Be well!

Re: Stopping Meds, increasing mag
May 28, 2012 10:23AM
Hi Erling,

I may be able to ramp up a little, but I am right at bowel tolerance there. My question to myself is, can I cut down a little on the glycinate and increase the bicarbonate? When things are going well, that is a little risky. Even with the ablation three weeks out, I wonder whether one who is gaining a little bit better control of afib, is better waiting and waiting and waiting? The assumption is that an earlier ablation is better, because the condition only gets worse. But flipping that idea on its head, one reaches the conclusion that as the condition improves, one's ablation can only be easier. Can we conclude then, using Michel Haissaguerre's description of persistent afib as 6, 7 or even 8 tachycardias, that with the proper care these focal points can be reduced to the area of the pulminary veins?

Anonymous User
Re: Stopping Meds, increasing mag
May 28, 2012 10:12PM
Hi Steve,

Your concern about more magnesium being too much is fully appreciated. By the way, since your July '02 Exatest results were excellent (see [www.afibbers.org] near the bottom), then why are Mg shots plus high-dose oral Mg helping you? That puzzles me -- do you think it possible, as I suspect, that your "feeling great' is more due to alkalizing your 75 trillion cells than to the Mg? A few related musings to ponder:

-- the information about improved health/ cell function by reducing their acid is rock solid -- see for instance pH and Voltage:The Key to Rebuilding Your Health [curezone.com].

-- there are many ways to alkalize besides WW -- Francesca is using Alkalife drops in a glass of water with excellent results: [www.afibbers.org]. Alkalife website: [www.alkalife.com]

-- Barry G. recently did a several week experiment on himself with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to experience the way in which 'Vernon' (Vito) quickly rid himself of stage 4 cancer!

-- since additional Mg from additional WW is not good, if you do increase WW you should reduce the Mg glycinate by at least the same amount.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2012 03:19PM by Erling.
Re: Stopping Meds, increasing mag
May 29, 2012 06:01PM
Hi Erling,

I think that you are right about raising one's PH levels?. But here's the thing--afib starts to come back if I let up on the mag. shots. At times, I have been deluded into believing that the shots increased PACS, but that was foolish. When I cram enough magnesium in, (with some flec, I can't seem to get off completely), afib remains dormant. But I seem to have wild mag swings if I let up at all. For instance, I gave up the shots for about six weeks recently and bingo little tachy runs and then a five hour episode two and half weeks ago. After two shots and returning to my regimen, everything is calm. I kind of wonder if I gave it another year or two, I would be off the meds and have afib under control. Ironically after I had the Exatest that you reference, I stopped the shots and two months later I had the flutter ablation. If I had continued the shots,maybe it wouldn't have happened? Healing does seem to be taking place, but will I ever be healed? Probably not----- right now my strategy is to develop layers of protection, a virtual medieval fortress of protective moats!

I really appreciate your insight,
Re: Stopping Meds, increasing mag
May 29, 2012 07:24PM
Hi Steve - One of my books on pH contains this statement in a discussion on treating Metabolic Alkalosis from various causes.This would seem to speak to your situation of not being able to consistently maintain a level of magnesium which then results in low potassium which sets the stage for AF. How to find the source or cause of the Mg depletion is obviously the key but just how to do that is not immediately obvious.

Magnesium depletion can cause the kidney to waste potassium and may be associated with mild metabolic alkalosis

Be well,
Re: Stopping Meds, increasing mag
May 30, 2012 11:17AM
Thanks Jackie,

I think that in my case the higher PH has actually improved things. Recently, I have been hitting bowel tolerance of the mag almost everyday. I take it as a good sign--somehow absorption is improving. Lets face it, (as you note), improved electrolyte absorption can take years. Better absoprtion may also explain the efficacy of the flecainide at a lower dose.

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