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bad sleep and heart scarring article by Dr. John M.

Posted by Windstar 
I read the article posted in afibbers "HRS 2012 poster highlights: ECGs, PVCs, OSA, Debates in AF ablation, and the dangers of cryoablation" posted May 11, 2012 by John Mandrola. I have a question about the article on sleep apnea and how it can scar the heart (quoted below).

I have had severe insomnia for years and am concerned whether that would also cause scarring of the heart. Is there something unique to sleep apnea that causes the scarring or just bad sleep? Any studies on insomnia and the heart?

I've been to four sleep doctors in the past few months and none of them can help me other than to give me sleeping pills, which I don't want.

Thanks much,
Windstar (Nancy)

Effects of metabolic syndrome and OSA on AF ablation results

If your patient has sleep apnea and metabolic syndrome, don't expect miracles from AF ablation. This is the message of a large study from Dr Natale's group. Only 35% of patients with both conditions (they often coexist) were free of AF at 34 months of follow-up.

Another abstract from a Spanish group showed that (in a rat model) obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) induces an increased deposit of collagen tissue in the atria. This physiology-intensive animal study suggests the association and AF and OSA may be mediated through fibrosis. Translation: Bad sleep induces heart scarring.

I mention these two abstracts because we specialists too often fail to emphasize the importance of primordial prevention of heart disease. What I mean is: to truly have an impact on the health of our patients, we must also pay attention to how well they sleep and how smartly they maintain their body weight. That's primordial—biology in the earliest stage.
Here's some of the remedies for Sleep Apnea from EarthClinic.com
Each of these suggestions had descriptions on how they used each.

small pinch of borax [ no, not boron nor boric acid ]

Re: bad sleep and heart scarring article by Dr. John M.
May 16, 2012 03:23PM
Sleep Apnea seems to be much more prevalent in obese, overweight people that don't work out. Although I have never had a sleep problem other that occasional work related anxiety, being fit and regular workouts make for great sleep. Check out this web site for a little more information.


Afib never kept me from working out or staying fit. Somewhat infrequent interruptions, but nothing more.
I do not have sleep apnea; I have insomnia (difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep). Last night I only got 3 hrs. sleep.

I am only 106 lbs and am 5'5", so I am way underweight, not overweight. I've exercised all my life and still go only 45 minute walks 4-5 times a week. But now that I have afib (I am a mixed afibber, I think), I've had to cut out my weights and anything aerobic. That brings on an attack.

My question remains, does anyone know if is there something unique about sleep apnea causing heart scarring or is it bad sleep in general that causes scarring?

Thanks again,
Windstar (Nancy)
Re: bad sleep and heart scarring article by Dr. John M.
May 17, 2012 05:02PM

I can't answer your scarring questions. However, your weight is great, but is your afib exercise induced, or is it a product of electrolyte imbalance or dehydration? Exercise, no matter how hard I worked, never induced afib, as long as I stayed well hydrated and kept on top of the electrolyte issue.

Maybe you can find a way back into exercising, and if it is demanding enough, it should help with your insomnia. Good luck.
Re: bad sleep and heart scarring article by Dr. John M.
May 17, 2012 09:55PM
The Buteyko breathing website has a segment on insomnia that may be useful.

For those concerned with sleep apnea, several years ago, we explored the merits of Buteyko breathing methods.
I took Buteyko instructions from a respiratory therapist who reversed her sleep apnea with this technique just as a matter of interest but I did not have sleep apnea. The breathing technique is a healthy practice for everyone.

Here’s one link… just type Buteyko into the search engine for All Forums and many other post links should come up.
Buteyko breathing is easy and effective and a good habit to cultivate.


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