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Oops - A Month Late and 6.6 years later

Posted by Denver Fox 
Denver Fox
Oops - A Month Late and 6.6 years later
March 21, 2012 03:14AM
I almost forgot my 6 month update!! Shame on me.

Still in NSR 6.6 years after Natale did my ablation in Marin County,CA. I was 24/7 - now, never a flutter. Only Afib related med I take is one adult aspirin daily. Turned 72yo in November.

Daily exercise schedule remains about the same. 20-40 mile bicycle rides - about 100 miles per week. I have increased my swimming and am getting better, doing about 6 hours per week. Continuing my walking. Continuing the intense resistive exercises - planks, bench press, dips, etc., etc. On my 72nd birthdayI did 72 consecutive pushups. I do a lot of stretching to help with some hip pain.

Continuing my strong advocacy for individuals with disabilities - I write/edit an article a week for our legislature


and, of course, the never ending waitlist for services:


Have a great year everyone. Hopefully I will see update in 6 months.
Re: Oops - A Month Late and 6.6 years later
March 21, 2012 01:07PM
Fox, that's inspiring. Thanks and best wishes for continued NSR.
Re: Oops - A Month Late and 6.6 years later
March 22, 2012 02:14AM
God Bless you and you have every right to be cocky!
Wow 24/7 and cured as far as I'm concerned.
Good to see more permanent affibers with successful ablations!
Re: Oops - A Month Late and 6.6 years later
March 22, 2012 04:35AM
Very inspiring, Denver! I can only imagine the freedom you must feel at not having to worry when the next time will be....congratulations and continued NSR always.

Thanks for keeping us updated and encouragedsmiling smiley ~ Barb
Re: Oops - A Month Late and 6.6 years later
March 22, 2012 01:55PM
Hello Denver! Your news ceertainly warms my heart. I'm so pleased for you.
Enjoy life in NSR.
Best regards,
Denver Fox
Re: Oops - A Month Late and 6.6 years later
March 23, 2012 12:50PM
McHale Wrote:
> God Bless you and you have every right to be
> cocky!
> Wow 24/7 and cured as far as I'm concerned.
> Good to see more permanent affibers with
> successful ablations!

Thanks for all the comments.

I don't post to be "cocky." I post what I do so that folks can see that some of us continue with a high level of physical activity (which has long been a subject of much discussion on these forums - the amount of physical activity one can have after an ablation), and that being 72 is not a "dead-end" street and the end of life.

I also post to keep some of the folks that I know here on the forum updated. Although I don't usually participate, I sometimes read the posts.

So, everyone, take what I post for what it is worth. The rantings and ravings of someone (now 72), who went against the MD's advice - who told me to "learn to live with 24/7 afib - it was just a minor inconvenience - almost 7 years ago, went to CA (Marin County) for an ablation by Natale, who - at the time - was there 2 days per month.

I wonder what that doc would do if he was in afib 24/7?

And, again, good luck to all of you.
Re: Oops - A Month Late and 6.6 years later
March 24, 2012 05:40AM
To us Affibers cocky is a compliment! That you can do what you do at your age gives us all hope!
Post away my man no disrespect meant at all!
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