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Ablation this Wednesday!

Posted by Jose 
Ablation this Wednesday!
October 20, 2003 06:45PM
After speaking with my EP, Dr. McKenzie, I've decided to go ahead with the ablation procedure. He and Dr. Nademanee will be performing the procedure at Centinela Hospital in Inglewood CA on Oct. 22. Hopefully this will at least minimize my af episodes to a tolerable level, if not fix

I believe I'm ready to do this. My af episodes have been getting progressively worse since they first appeared back in Oct. of '99. I don't know if I'll be released the same day or kept overnight at the hospital. Once I get back online, I'll make sure to post my experience and results.

My best wishes and prayers go to all of you who have or are thinking about having an ablation. I know its not an easy decision to make, it certainly was not for me.

Re: Ablation this Wednesday!
October 20, 2003 06:47PM
JRBabb (Jack),

Just as I posted my message, I saw yours! You will be in my prayers!

Hey, maybe we can compare each other's experience since we're having the procedure done the same day! smiling smiley

My best wishes to you and your loved ones!

Re: Ablation this Wednesday!
October 20, 2003 07:15PM

My prayers and thoughts will be with you and Jack. Best of health, and here's to a speedy recovery.

Mike F. V42
Re: Ablation this Wednesday!
October 21, 2003 01:54AM

Best wishes for this Wednesday. I see you put up with AF the same time as have I - from Oct 99. I guess the fact that you're opting for an ablation means that you've had a lot more than the 4 episodes I've had to date. I really hope the ablation does the trick as regards ridding you of AF. Keep us informed.

Mike F.
J. Pisano
Re: Ablation this Wednesday!
October 21, 2003 04:03AM
Jose, Jack,

My best wishes for a succesful procedure. All my prayers,

Re: Ablation this Wednesday!
October 21, 2003 05:46AM
JOse - Special blessings to you for a perfect surgical outcome. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and Jack on Wednesday.

Be sure to let us know how you are. Jackie
Re: Ablation this Wednesday!
October 21, 2003 09:01AM
Jose, May the Lord be with you. I am leaving in a few minutes for my trip to Charleston, SC. I have my ablation at 7:00 am. Only problem so far is the shots, I take 2 in the morning and two in the evening.

Talk to all soon.

Bill B
Re: Ablation this Wednesday!
October 21, 2003 10:43AM

Good luck, Jose. My AFIB has recently taken a slight turn for the better (i.e. less of it), so I am becoming a bit more deliberate in my ablation approach. Please let us all know how things go.

48;A; since 2000
Re: Ablation this Wednesday!
October 21, 2003 10:48AM
Best wishes

Re: Ablation this Wednesday!
October 21, 2003 01:26PM
Mike F. - Yes, I have them everyday. Most of my episodes last over 24hrs. and have given me the worst insomnia! So I'm ready to get rid of it (af)!

Jack - I'm getting up early tomorrow to head over to the hospital. I check in at 9am PST. Not sure how long the procedure will take though.

I'll will make sure to post as soon as I can. Thanks to everyone for the words of encouragement and support. Talk to all soon,

Re: Ablation this Wednesday!
October 21, 2003 03:44PM
Good Luck....Is Wharton doing your alation?

God Speed....Don
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