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Gunnar v/61/na
ECG: Hypertrophy & Left Atrial Enlargement
February 11, 2007 01:24AM
Found this ECG primer where you can find examples of the above. Mitral regurgitation is also mentioned but not exemplified.

The conditions above are interesting as they can be the long term consequences of AF.

Bob K.
Re: ECG: Hypertrophy & Left Atrial Enlargement
February 11, 2007 09:38AM
Nice tutorial.
Bob K.
Re: ECG: Hypertrophy & Left Atrial Enlargement
February 12, 2007 07:35AM
Here's some excerpts. (I added the underlining.)

"Hypertrophy and chamber enlargement
Because of the thin-walled nature of the atria, from an ECG point of view, one cannot talk about "atrial hypertrophy" but only about enlargement. Conversely, thickening of the ventricle may result in increased voltages seen on the surface ECG, and we can then discuss "ventricular hypertrophy".

Left ventricular systolic overload/hypertrophy (LVH)
The absence of LVH on ECG means nothing, as the features are insensitive. If however they are present, LVH is very likely. "
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