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Natale PVC
December 29, 2023 08:34PM
Developed PVC's immediately after Natale afibb ablation 2020 that progressively got worse 20k daily over last few years.

11/28/23 went back down to Natale and had a PVC ablation. Still having large #'s of PVC's as of today 12/29. Is the blanking period waiting for scar tissue to form the average 3 months like afibb and there's still hope for success?

Thanks any incouragment would be great.
Re: Natale PVC
December 30, 2023 03:49AM
Yes, the fibroidization, or scarring, needs time to evovlve into a complete blockage if there are still a few gaps remaining. I had renewed fibrillation after my second ablation at the two-week mark, but the outreach nurse emphatically stated that I don't have AF...any more. She was right. A day later I was out of AF and haven't had so much as a hiccup ever since.

Carey, Susan, or George can pipe up with whether a cardioversion might be indicated in a PVC case.
Re: Natale PVC
December 30, 2023 04:07AM
Yes, the blanking period logic would apply to any type of ablation.

I don't think a cardioversion would help. PACs and PVCs aren't sustained arrhythmias so I think cardioversion would be a very temporary solution.
Re: Natale PVC
December 30, 2023 03:40PM
Gloaming: no as Carey mentioned, an ecv wasn’t suggested as a treatment for my PVCs, nor would I think it would had helped - I had over a 30% burden starting 5 weeks post index ablation. I was on multaq and was scheduled for a pvc ablation with dr N. My local EP asked if I would humor him by trying an Tenormin (atenolol)’experiment that helped his patients.

Because I was on Multaq, he started slowly and I took 12.5mg Tenormin daily for a week. Nothing. Week two I took 25mg a day. Nothing. Week three I took 37.5mg a day and by day 3-4 my pvc’s stopped cold turkey. That was the day of my postponed PVC ablation. I was lucky.

Ablation #2 same story but after 5-6 weeks post ablation my PVCs returned and I started with 37.5mg Tenormin and it stopped.

Ablation #3 I was switched to Cardizem and sotalol a week and a few days post ablation I got a pacemaker and never went back on Tenormin but my PVCs didn’t return. I missed tenormin. Always felt better on it.

Currently I have PVCs since returning home two weeks ago from the states while on vacation. I am scared out of my mind. I can’t sleep fearing I’ll miss hearing the sirens to alert me to go to my bomb shelter. I’m up until 4-5am with a benzo. Constant terror from the missiles and sounds of jet fighters. Stress brought back my PVCs I didn’t have for years. I think I’m stuck with it. I’m taking Cardizem for my blood pressure as well as lisinopril. If I switch back to Tenormin, I will have to compensate with more drugs to control my BP which is high. I try to keep my potassium at 4.5 with daily rx potassium pills so a water pill isn’t ideal. If I take a water pill, norvasc and lisinopril, I’ll get my orthostatic hypertension back. No win win.

Not happy with my PVCs. I can’t walk even 200 feet without being out of breathe and my hr high. I know an ECV won’t help.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2023 03:44PM by susan.d.
Re: Natale PVC
December 30, 2023 05:37PM
I'm so sorry to learn that you're once again in the trunk and not driving, Susan. sad smiley
Re: Natale PVC
January 02, 2024 01:23AM
Also a Natale patient here. My blanking period was terrible, daily PACs starting from day 11 post surgery. They magically ended after 3 months when I got off the Flecanide. Literally the day after. Not sure if you are on Flec, but for some people it promotes irregular rhythm. Good luck.
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