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PEMF Risks?
July 03, 2023 02:29PM
I was ablated by Dr Natale ten years ago today and haven't had any afib since then, I am scheduled to have some PEMF sessions to help detox some lead out of my body. Has anyone had any issues getting PEMF treatments and having it push them into afib. I am a little leary of any electro magnetic impulses around my calm heart.
Re: PEMF Risks?
July 03, 2023 02:39PM
Why do you have lead in your body?
Re: PEMF Risks?
July 03, 2023 03:30PM
That's the question I don't have an answer for, there are a couple of possibilities, I have done woodworking as a hobby for 30 years and possibly some of the stains and finishes contained lead, the next is I have eaten dark chocolate every day for years as well as a lot of sweet potatoes which both contain some lead. The third is I have been going to an indoor gun range for 7 months on and off and possibly inhaled lead while shooting. I guess 0 to 3.50 is exceptable but mine was 5.20.
Re: PEMF Risks?
July 03, 2023 06:33PM
The normal treatment for lead detox is chelation therapy, not PEMF. I don't even understand how that could work and I can't find any references online to using it for that purpose. There's one web site advertising it as a general detox but they don't mention lead, just the usual very general, sweeping claims found on sites that offer detox services and products.
Re: PEMF Risks?
July 03, 2023 07:21PM
Agree w Carey. The treatment for lead toxicity is chelation. Also you mentioned "some lead." Have you had a BLL (blood lead level) test done?
There are guidelines for even having chelation done. It requires a certain lead level esp in kids and in adults they are looking for associated symptoms. Are you symptomatic?

And lead poisoning tx. Step 1 is to find and eliminate the source.
Re: PEMF Risks?
July 03, 2023 08:44PM
My lead blood level is 5.2 which is considered high, I don't know if that is high enough for chelation. I still don't know the source, I live in a 8 year old house that wouldn't have any lead in it.
Re: PEMF Risks?
July 03, 2023 11:29PM
My bet would be the gun range. Indoor ranges are supposed to have negative pressure ventilation systems to remove toxic byproducts, but not all ranges are created equal.
Re: PEMF Risks?
July 03, 2023 11:33PM
Meantime you could try Zeolite and or Chlorella. No idea if it works to eliminate lead but it will do no harm as far as i know.

I know from a friend who used to work with chemical sprays which contained mercury in the north Queensland cane fields. His blood mercury levels were very high (don't remember the values) so i took chlorella regularly for a few months and had a retest which showed normal levels of mercury. His GP wondered and askes him what he was doing to get the levels down.
Re: PEMF Risks?
July 04, 2023 12:14AM
I will check it out. Thanks.
Re: PEMF Risks?
July 04, 2023 12:16AM
I stopped going to that gun range and started with a brand new one with proper ventilation and I am now wearing nose filters too.
Re: PEMF Risks?
July 04, 2023 03:17AM
I stopped going to that gun range and started with a brand new one with proper ventilation and I am now wearing nose filters too.

Good move. I would skip any sort of active treatments right now and just give it a few months and then have your lead levels retested. Lead isn't as dangerous for adults as it is for kids.
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