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Post Watchman FLX Six Month TEE

Posted by JayBros 
Post Watchman FLX Six Month TEE
August 15, 2022 01:25AM
I had the six month TEE following my Watchman implant on 2/15. Everything came up roses. The first thing Dr. Natale said when he entered my room was, "You are off Xarelto, and I want you to take a baby aspirin every other day." After 20 years on anticoagulants those were the best words I've heard in a long time. The humorous portion of the study report was, "No intracardiac thrombus or vegetation is seen." That was a relief because my lawn is infested with nutsedge this year and I'm glad it didn't spread to my old ticker.
Re: Post Watchman FLX Six Month TEE
August 15, 2022 02:54AM
LOL! I don't even know what nutsedge is but I'm glad to hear your Watchman is okay and you're not infested with it. smiling smiley
Re: Post Watchman FLX Six Month TEE
August 15, 2022 01:23PM
Nutsedge is like afib, it's possible to control, but impossible to get rid of it. Messes up your lawn, grows and spreads underground, so ongoing spraying of visible sprigs (which pop up fast) can limit it's spread. I have been treating mine for 8 years or so.
Re: Post Watchman FLX Six Month TEE
August 15, 2022 01:57PM
Nothing kills it. I poured kettles of boiling water every foot drowning the roots hoping to kill it but was unsuccessful. We thought the guys we hired dug it up was successful so we added black weed fabric (prevents root disease growth penetration) but it grew through two layers of lawn weed fabric.

My first EP gave me a great example of afib. He said imagine mowing your lawn, the grass returns. Grass is like afib- you need to burn one’s heart tissue similar to rototilling one’s lawn weeds to get rid of it…but new spots keeps returning…thus touchup ablations.
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