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Chest pain after AFib conversion 2 months ago
July 08, 2021 01:39AM
Hello All,

I was in an AFib event lasting 8 days early May. On the 3rd day I was given EKG and put on Eliquis and 50mg Metoprolol by my Primary. My HR was erratic and averaged 126 on EKG prior to medication. After medication it was averaging 115 at rest and lower at night sleeping (probably 80-110). Any activity and it would spike to 150 - 180 (walking dog, gym not knowing about Afib, etc.). On the 7th day I went to the ER because I thought my rate should be lower. Within two days I converted to NSR chemically(took 24hrs to convert) and got discharged.

Once I got out of Afib I started to notice a hoarseness/scratchy throat and random chest pain, mostly in sternum area. The symptoms are hard to replicate but I'm pretty sure it's NOT Coronary Artery related. My stress test after the hospital was normal and during the hospital my Echo, EKG (after conversion), Cardio Blood Work, Xray were normal.

I'm concerned I may have caused some heart damage during the week of AFIB. I read today that an enlarged left atria can press into the esophagous, which may cause these symptoms. I asked my cardiologist today about that and he reviewed the Echo and other tests again and said they were normal. I'm going to request these files so I have more information on hand. The Echo was done while I was still in Afib.

The cardiologist today is taking me off of Amiodarone and Eliquis as I've been in NSR, in case they play a role.

If anyone has any thoughts I'd appreciate it as well as further testing that may be helpful. It has been very nerve wracking thinking I may have done damage when I didn't even know what Afib was, let alone how to treat it, who to see, HR concerns, etc.

Thanks for reading!

58yo male, no other cardiac issues, recently lost 20lbs another 10+ to go.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2021 01:41AM by BobsBeat.
Re: Chest pain after AFib conversion 2 months ago
July 08, 2021 06:33AM
Sounds like you've been doing a lot of research, good. Have you searched this forum much? It's a wealth of knowledge.

I would look into a smart watch that monitors your ECG and such. We thought my husband was in NSR for over a week only to correlate the signs that obviously, he was not always, although brief, seconds. We wouldn't have noticed this other than somedays he has pain on the side of his head and neck, pretty bad and has no energy despite drinking coffee, which is an obvious trigger for him.

We bought the paperback and audiobook of the Afib cure and we both listened to it and also listened to his podcasts. I like that he's research driven. Hearing these methods from someone other than me offered my husband the reinforcement he needed to willingly make the changes on his own.

You mention hoarseness I am reminded that there seems to be a connection between the vagas nerve and voice change... along with many, MANY other things that are effected by the vagas nerve. . Note, the spelling difference, while reading that, I bet many of your triggers are centered around it.

On another note. I'm fairly new to all this, so, wait around for the ones with well documented wisdom.

I also seem to remember something about the heart being able to recover from certain damages, so, keep hope my friend.
Re: Chest pain after AFib conversion 2 months ago
July 08, 2021 12:18PM
I sincerely doubt you have any heart damage from a few afib days My best guess: amioderone. Why you were given that is beyond me. Ive never taken it and never will
Its to my knowledge a last resort drug. They could have just cardioverted you. Find an EP. not ! A primary Dr. were i you id get on magnesium some good coq10 and some vg oils
Begin to educate yourself. Amioderone and Digoxin sp? Are 2 drugs that come with controversy. Others here will know more than me. But! Heart damage? Highly doubtful
Re: Chest pain after AFib conversion 2 months ago
July 08, 2021 01:28PM
20 years ago Coumadin, Amiodarone and Digioxin were first line treatments for Afib, started for me by my then Internist and continued by my first EP until Hans' paper showed the uselessness of Digioxin for Vagal Afib and Amiodarone burned out my thyroid after about 18 months.

I'm sure some medical professionals have never really updated and their patients may still be suffering because they haven't. Afib ishould no longer be treated by a Primary and not most Cardiologists if stable results aren't achieved in a few weeks.

Flecainide and Atenolol got me back on a healthier track until my first ablation with Dr. Natale 13 years ago. I never did get off Coumadin until Natale okayed it after my ablation. Fortunately I was one of those who tolerated Coumadin pretty well.

Second round of Afib last year I was prescribed Eliquis, a walk in the park compared to Coumadin, and Atenolol if needed, which held until my second Natale ablation this February. I'm still on Eliquis and a Kardia EKG emailed weekly at least until my 6 month TEE next month.
Re: Chest pain after AFib conversion 2 months ago
July 08, 2021 01:56PM
Thanks for replies so far. Maybe there is a link between Vagus nerve/larynx connection and what I'm feeling regarding hoarseness. Would that be a ENT specialist to check it out?

I agree on the Amiodarone. I was on it for two months (200 mg/day) and wanted to get off it.

I'm not scheduled with the EP at MGH until Sep 14th. They are booking out many months in advance.

Just by way of an update, I was able to switch MGH EP's today and I'm now scheduled with Dr Mansour for a month earlier in Boston on Aug 18th. I've read about his reputation and believe I will be in good hands for now.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2021 01:00AM by BobsBeat.
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