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Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?

Posted by ElectroBlu 
Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 11, 2021 11:54AM
Howdy all.

Just competed my pre-ablation tests —including Covid test— and now have to self-isolate before my ablation on Tuesday morning.

Unfortunately, due to increased afib episodes recently, I have a deeper conviction that this is the right course of treatment. Over the last year, I have moved from a position of thinking that an ablation was to be avoided at all costs to being grateful (almost) that the procedure is being expedited by the NHS (UK here).

Is there any advice that you can share - physical and/or psychological - to help prepare for it? Anything I should know before that you found useful?

Many thanks and wishing you all good health
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 11, 2021 12:25PM
Don't fear ablation. It's now routine for an experienced EP, the technology is matured, risks are very low.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 11, 2021 02:08PM
I live in the UK. Can you tell me who is doing the ablation?

Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 11, 2021 02:35PM
My tip - have someone present to advocate for you in post recovery. Even experienced ablation teams and facilities can overlook post operative complications. While not to ward you off of getting an ablation, it's always possible that anything that can go wrong may go wrong and your advocate should know what to look for. You will not be thinking clearly or correctly in the immediate hours after the procedure.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 11, 2021 03:16PM
There's really not much to be done. Just relax, go about your business, and don't worry about it.

There is, however, one thing I recommend....

If you are a man and you have chest hair or back hair, shave it now. If you're either gender, also shave the groin at the area where your leg joins your torso. Generally, do what's known among women as a bikini wax. And do this now, not right before the procedure. You don't want razor burn present when you go in.

The reason for this is you're going to have more sticky pads than you've seen in your life stuck on your chest and back, and two of them will be very large. And although the staff will shave any hair that's directly in the way, in my experience they won't get it all and you're not going to enjoy the experience of having those pads and the bandaging on your groin removed. If there's any hair, you'll be getting a free waxing.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 11, 2021 07:15PM
Nothing to fear. Best of luck. I recommend buying linocaine burn cream in case the ecv or the adhesive leaves a rash. It’s an annoying discomfort otherwise if you are sensitive.

Also ask the doctor to come in when you are fully awake, not immediately after you are in recovery when you are still not fully alert. Like NLAMA said, have someone there because you won’t remember much upon awaking and need the ears and mouth of your advocate in behalf of your best interests —even if to repeat what your doctor had said when your fog leaves.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 11, 2021 08:19PM
Thanks everyone. Good advice so far.

@Pompon - thanks for the reassurance

@Carey - I have begun shaving spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

@stranger - Royal Brompton

@NotLyingAboutMyAfib and @susan.d - Good idea but unfortunately, due to Covid, I am not allowed anyone with me. I have to go solo on this. However, I will be kept overnight as standard so will hopefully have a chance to hear all the info in a clearer state
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 11, 2021 10:26PM
Meditating can't hurt.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 12, 2021 01:22PM
In California last February nobody was allowed to be with the patient unless actually admitted to the hospital, (Afib is a "23 hour" procedure), so as an outpatientn you're on your own as far as info and I agree with the others that you miss a lot. They didn't even want my wife in the waiting room.

Of course the staff also knows the patient is not clear headed for at least a day after and in my case I had a meeting both with Dr. Natale and NP who is handling my case the next afternoon when I had an advocate with me, I was as clear headed as I get and could discussall I wanted and get their summary. I blelieve that is SOP at that hospital, Los Robles in Thousand Oaks, CA.

I still send a Kardia reading weekly to the NP and can get in touch wih her for any follow-up issues.

Regarding shaving, I wish I'd had Carey's advice before my procedure. Now, two months after it I still have way too much itching. The razors they use are those little throwaway things that are not the sharpest blade in the world.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 12, 2021 05:29PM

Regarding shaving, I wish I'd had Carey's advice before my procedure. Now, two months after it I still have way too much itching. The razors they use are those little throwaway things that are not the sharpest blade in the world.

All I can say Gordon is that you were very lucky to get a disposable razor at Robles. My first at Robles in 2019 was with a gross gnarly electric shaver. Really? How was that sanitary? The second ablation I shaved at home but they brought out a disposable just in case. This time I am not taking any chances they will go back to the electric. My 3rd ablation is this week.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 12, 2021 07:12PM
In California last February nobody was allowed to be with the patient unless actually admitted to the hospital, (Afib is a "23 hour" procedure), so as an outpatientn you're on your own as far as info and I agree with the others that you miss a lot. They didn't even want my wife in the waiting room.

FYI, I just called up Robles to check if they are still on lockdown. They lifted it a month ago and have normal visitor hours. It must had been very shortly after your ablation. Plus while in lockdown, they allowed one visitor 2 hours before a procedure and two hours afterwards. Then the visitor can’t return inside —and when the patient is discharged, the visitor had to stay outside to receive the patient..

But things are now better. One must call their hospital for visitor updates.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 13, 2021 10:07AM
I was done at the Brompton by Sabine Ernst, they will look after you well, only thing I can say is the boredom of laying flat was what I found the most difficult, my wife bought me a cup with a straw so I could drink whilst laying down, someone said about little sponges to wet your lips,

Your in great hands, I was petrified going down but everyone in the lab took time to come and introduce themselves and reassure me, they put me out and it literally felt like I’d had a little 30 min nap and I was in recovery, please don’t worry about it, your in great hands👍🏻👍🏻👌
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 13, 2021 06:21PM
Hey everyone

Just a quick update - I'm through the ablation and EP is optimistic about it. I am SO relieved to have it behind me. Thanks for all the brilliant suggestions and Juggsy75 - you are spot on about the RB. Im so proud of the NHS! How lucky are we to have such an amazing service!!!

Just to say that Carey's advice was spot on. I am very glad I shaved before. In fact, I should have shaved even more as some of the pads/ dressing caught. Anyway, onwards and upwards. Thanks for this Forum and all best to you all. In the end, it was much better than I thought but still a daunting thing to go through and I can feel that I need to go super slow.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 14, 2021 03:38PM
Congrats Blu. Good to hear no issues.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 14, 2021 08:30PM
Great news! Hope you continue to feel better.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 15, 2021 05:02AM
Thanks NLAMA and Carey! Appreciate your messages and hope all is very good with you both!
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 16, 2021 01:56AM
Great Blu.....my advice going forward is don't take things that happen to your heart too seriously in the 1st few weeks at least as i had 6 ARR in the 1st 2 weeks then another 1 month later before bliss to this day....Plus doing that if your heart does act up in the blanking period.....well just shrug and say to yourself....i was expecting some action early so no big deal....+ if your lucky enough to be great right out of the gate well all the better but be prepared mentally just in case.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 16, 2021 09:14AM
Great Blu.....my advice going forward is don't take things that happen to your heart too seriously in the 1st few weeks at least as i had 6 ARR in the 1st 2 weeks then another 1 month later before bliss to this day....Plus doing that if your heart does act up in the blanking period.....well just shrug and say to yourself....i was expecting some action early so no big deal....+ if your lucky enough to be great right out of the gate well all the better but be prepared mentally just in case.

Thanks vanlith, will totally keep that in mind for sure. I think ive already noticed the occasional strange activity, so your advice is super welcome. Thank you!. You say 'before bliss to this day' ... so how long has it been for you since your ablation? Long may it continue!
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 16, 2021 03:12PM

Great Blu.....my advice going forward is don't take things that happen to your heart too seriously in the 1st few weeks at least as i had 6 ARR in the 1st 2 weeks then another 1 month later before bliss to this day....Plus doing that if your heart does act up in the blanking period.....well just shrug and say to yourself....i was expecting some action early so no big deal....+ if your lucky enough to be great right out of the gate well all the better but be prepared mentally just in case.

Thanks vanlith, will totally keep that in mind for sure. I think ive already noticed the occasional strange activity, so your advice is super welcome. Thank you!. You say 'before bliss to this day' ... so how long has it been for you since your ablation? Long may it continue!

Had the Ablation on nov. 20th 2018 so almost 2.5 years.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 19, 2021 11:14AM
well just shrug and say to yourself....i was expecting some action early so no big deal....

So, this has also been useful to hear.

My HR has been around 75bpm since the ablation. Up from around 55, but this morning i think I had my first little run of ectopics which seem to have stopped after a couple of hours. I think they were brought on from getting excited about potentially moving. My emotions seem to be hardwired into my body. So relieved they have stopped now and reminded me of the anxiety generated from an impending afib episode!

However, I have been following vanlith's advice and just saying that I was expecting some early action, so no biggy!!!, right???
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 20, 2021 02:15PM
I would say STRESS is the universal #1 agitator of all funny heart action from people who have Afib...ablated or not and the rest of the Gen. public hearts actions also. Expect funny things Blu not only early but after the Blanking period ends also. Hell 2.5 years after my suc. ablation i still get about 5 pac's a day on ave. + sometimes many more MOSTLY DUE TO STRESS then many other day's 0....not including a run of them on my right side when i go to bed most nights for about 20 seconds or so before they calm down. It's not easy to find a suc. ablation patient who does not still get a few funny beats from time to time esp. triggered by Stress or over eating or eating bad foods, msg....i could go on for 3 lines of what triggers afib sym. The Ablation cut the connection but cannot stop the root cause somewhere in our body that does this to us in the 1st place.
Not having the Hours long ARR. that tortures both body and mind......THATS the whole point of going through what you just went through + until/if you start getting those ARR again (like i had 6 in the 1st 14 days after my ablation) pay little mind to your stress or other triggered funny beats.
As long as it is not the BIG 1 aka an ARR you/me and everyone who has had an ablation then......we're laughing.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2021 02:18PM by vanlith.
Re: Two days pre-ablation: Any advice?
April 20, 2021 07:54PM
The Ablation cut the connection but cannot stop the root cause somewhere in our body that does this to us in the 1st place.
..... pay little mind to your stress or other triggered funny beats.
As long as it is not the BIG 1 aka an ARR you/me and everyone who has had an ablation then......we're laughing.

vanlith, you speak the truth!! I am learning new things, and having to learn new ways of being with myself too. A journey not simply solved by the ablation - and to hold onto the bigger picture. Your words are appreciated
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