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Heart patients-3 common medications you may need to avoid
December 18, 2020 04:42AM
Re: Heart patients-3 common medications you may need to avoid
December 19, 2020 12:35AM
I take one baby aspirin with low dose Eliquis everyday. I had a stent put in 2012 and LAA was isolated in 2016. Dr. Natale approved of this in 2016. My local Cardiologist approves also. It is considered a MAJOR issue on Drugs.com interaction checker but I do what I have to do.
Re: Heart patients-3 common medications you may need to avoid
December 19, 2020 12:54AM

I am taking Xarelto and i once mentioned to my EP about taking a baby aspirin when I got a migraine and he about flipped said no,no. I have been reading where Dr. Natale says to take a baby aspirin even when taking a blood thinner. So what is right, I guess it depends on our bodies.
Re: Heart patients-3 common medications you may need to avoid
December 19, 2020 01:31AM
So what is right, I guess it depends on our bodies.

Exactly. Your doctor was right because all adding aspirin would do is increase your bleeding risk, but Smackman's doctor was also right because he has an isolated LAA and a stint, neither or which you have. He takes the Eliquis for the isolated LAA and the aspirin for the stint.
Re: Heart patients-3 common medications you may need to avoid
December 19, 2020 01:58AM

Ok, makes sense in those scenarios, now what if one has to have a stint and does not have a isolated LAA?
Re: Heart patients-3 common medications you may need to avoid
December 19, 2020 02:05AM
Then you would probably be put on aspirin only. Stints generally require aspirin.
Re: Heart patients-3 common medications you may need to avoid
December 19, 2020 10:00PM
I took 81mg ASA BID on top of 5mg Eliquis BID when I had covid once I had an understanding from Carey and a thumbs up from Dr. Natale. Still in NSR - 5 weeks heading into 6.
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