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Kardia 6-lead.... user error?
July 29, 2020 01:54AM
I got stressed and overheated today and I think that's what triggered my SVTs -- sudden onset at 4:10 pm, beats per minute at 155. No real sign yet of slowing those beats per minute, although I did down a couple of low-sodium V-8 and sprayed Ancient Minerals Mg on my wrist pulse points, and put an ice pack on my head and then on my neck, and then on my face.

My Kardia results confuse me, and I was wondering if the odd looking ecg are from user error (I'm new at it) or if my Kardia shows something that needs to be addressed asap.
Thanks for any input.

I cannot figure out Dropbox or Google docs with this rapid heart rate so I'm trying with imgbb.com

at 6:15 pm:

a user error or a problem?

at 8:22 pm--making sure my thumbs and my knee were a bit damp

and an hour later, at 9:22 pm--making sure my thumbs and my knee were a bit damp

Thanks for taking the time to look, and thanks for any input. I'm hoping the wonky ones are user error--maybe I pressed too hard? Maybe I was off center from my knee, I don't know. It's now almost 3 hours since the onset. Im going to wait another half hour or so and then see if taking half of a Flecainide will help.

Thank you so much!

EDITED to remove the first two images and to add two more images.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2020 04:31AM by SueChef.
Re: Kardia 6-lead.... user error?
July 29, 2020 02:27AM
You need to wet your fingers and knee to get less jumpy readings. You need to relax your muscles to get strips that minimize artifact. Carey would be able to diagnose your strips. Mine look like that if I’m nervous or moving.

Have you tried soaking your feet in room temperature/tad cooler water? It relaxes me. Not scientific advise at all but it helps me. I usually go into the shower and spray cold water with my handheld on my feet For a couple of minutes. You may want to download some biofeedback relaxation apps.
Re: Kardia 6-lead.... user error?
July 29, 2020 02:33AM
This link is from Kardia support.

Re: Kardia 6-lead.... user error?
July 29, 2020 04:37AM
Thank you Susan D! I had no idea that wetting my fingers and knee would help prevent the jumpy readings! I have not tried soaking my feet in room temp or cooler water. Thanks for the suggestion & for the Kardia link. I listened to a Calm app and a Rain app I have, listened for about 30-40 minutes each, plus a relaxation medication, and those did bupkis.

It's now about 5 1/2 hours since onset. I have not taken the half a tablet of Flecainide. I'm thinking maybe I can just tough it out until my regular time to take my meds (incl my Flec) at 11:25pm.

Edited for another update: Happily, this reading looks good to me! This reading was taken about 20 minutes after my regular dose of Flecainide. I'm relieved, but tired.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2020 07:56AM by SueChef.
Re: Kardia 6-lead.... user error?
July 29, 2020 03:25PM
When monitoring for rhythm, I think the most efficient is trying to get a good lead II tracing.
If your device can be used with only one lead, you should get better recordings between your right hand and the bottom left of your ribcage.
Hope this may help.
Re: Kardia 6-lead.... user error?
July 30, 2020 12:02AM
Thank you Pompon for sharing your info!
Re: Kardia 6-lead.... user error?
July 30, 2020 02:27PM
Just based on the regularity of the rhythm and the rate hovering around 150, it's probably atrial flutter.
Re: Kardia 6-lead.... user error?
August 01, 2020 01:27AM
When the baseline is jumping all around that just means noise (bad connection). Wet the skin and try again.
Re: Kardia 6-lead.... user error?
August 01, 2020 08:39PM
I recently bought the 6L and find it annoyingly sensitive to noise, even the A/C running near me in my small condo seems to make the reading noisy and messy. I went back to my old one, problem solved. For tracking basic PAC or PVC activity the 6L was not any better for me and required bluetooth on phone to be on.
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