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Cbd oil
April 17, 2018 01:12PM
I take xarelto for my Afib. I have been taking cbd oil for my insomnia from the xarelto. Is anyone else taking cbd oil. By the way it's without the thc.
Re: Cbd oil
April 17, 2018 07:22PM
Have tried CBD for insomnia, didn't make any difference for me. I'm not on meds, so no interaction to report. My wife uses it for inflammation, but she's not on meds nor an afibber. My experience likely doesn't help you any...
Re: Cbd oil
April 18, 2018 12:42PM
Both my wife, a non-afibber, and myself, an ablated former afibber, have tried CBD in various forms; oil, suppositories, consumables,vaping, for insomnia and pain without noticing any effect so we gave it up a year or so ago. Neither of us has tolerance for THC even though we live in San Francisco much of the time.

My understanding is that CBD takes some THC, perhaps a ratio of 1/18, to enable the CBD.

It's pretty hard to find any real data on CBD - most of what's out there I've seen is anecdotal.

My current best insomnia remedies are: Melatonin, 3 mg; PharmaGaba and Theanine, 200mg, a couple of Ibuprofen or Tylenol or the occasional 5mg Ambien. My best results are when I rotate these as they seem to lose their effect if any one of them is consumed several nights in a row.

Re: Cbd oil
April 19, 2018 12:32AM
Thanks I'll keep using the cbd oil until it doesn't work then do what you suggested.
Re: Cbd oil
April 20, 2018 03:15AM
I use melatonin 6mg. I work shifts and I sleep so much better with it.
Re: Cbd oil
June 05, 2018 07:04PM
There are a lot of advantages of using cannabis oils in med care. At least five proven reasons have been described here https://cannasos.com/news/authors/pure-cbd-oil-5-health-benefits-that-are-scientifically-confirmed. After reading it, I am concerned that legalizing it is a good thing.
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