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Wenxin Keli for Afib
March 29, 2017 02:06PM
I was diagnosed with afib in 2014. Since that time, they have had me on Atenolol twice a day and a 325mg aspirin once a day. I had major surgery in 2016 and the afib really flared up non stop for 10 days and the placed me on Amiodarone once a day, Metropolol twice a day and Digoxin once a day. Needless to say, I wasn't real happy about this drug cocktail, but saw no other course of action. After discharge, they told me that I was a good candidate for the watchman, but I refused that because I wasn't keen on the idea of some foreign object being placed inside my heart. I sought a second opinion and he suggested an ablation. I decided to try that method, and it was performed in December, 2016. Well, the afib was alleviated, but the ablation seemed to trigger atrial flutter. At my follow up appointment, he said that I would need another ablation done in the right atrium to alleviate the flutter. This was performed in February 2017. Here is where it gets cute. The flutter was gone, but the afib was back. Then he tells me there is a medication that has had good results in cases like mine, but initial administration has to be performed in a hospital setting, with a 3 day hospitalization to monitor the effects of the drug on my body. I have decided NOT to take that route. My primary doctor said that this drug, Tikosyn, is heavy duty stuff, and he agreed with my decision.

This has been a long story to get to my point. I started looking for alternative methods of treatment for afib and came across this Chinese herbal tea known as Wenxin Keli. All of the information that I have read has been positive, and I am seriously considering initiating use to see if it will have a positive impact on me. If I do, I would be ordering it directly from China, and I wanted to know the following: Has anyone tried it, and with what result? Has anyone ordered it from China, and if so, did you receive the tea?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Flame1947 (aka Irma)
Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
March 29, 2017 02:48PM

I tried Wenxin Keli (specifically, 2 months of it continuously at their recommended dosage of 3 packs per day, then periodically when the AF flared up.) I didn't find it to have any significant effect, either continuously or as a way of terminating episodes. This is part of a 2-year odyssey of trying pretty much every alternative treatment known to humankind, from chelation to root canal removal. The only things that changed anything (for me) were berberine 500mg 3x/day and (maybe) Lugols iodine, up to 20mg 1x/day. Even those stopped working after 6 months.

Of course, everyone is different. I have a friend with AF who is on Tikosyn and tolerates it well, but I went the ablation route. Still in the blanking period, we'll see how that goes. Unfortunately there are no easy answers.

All the best,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/2017 02:49PM by JKAF.
Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
March 29, 2017 03:09PM
Thanks for the feedback Jason. I am still pondering this decision, but as you said there are no easy solutions. Getting old is rough. LOL
Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
March 29, 2017 04:17PM
On the upside, the Wenxin Keli didn't hurt (no side effects). It just tastes pretty bad.
Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
March 29, 2017 07:22PM
To those who know about Wenxin Keli... what can you tell us about quality control assurances and assays that the product is free from environmental contaminants in soil etc that are so prevalent in that which comes from China? Warnings not to use China products are plentiful... as (apparently) consumers can't rely that these are screened or regulated. If the raw material is imported to a US or Canadian GMP bottler of supplements, that typically insures that toxic ingredients have not been included.

Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
March 29, 2017 08:05PM
To those who know about Wenxin Keli... what can you tell us about quality control assurances and assays that the product is free from environmental contaminants in soil etc that are so prevalent in that which comes from China? Warnings not to use China products are plentiful... as (apparently) consumers can't rely that these are screened or regulated. If the raw material is imported to a US or Canadian GMP bottler of supplements, that typically insures that toxic ingredients have not been included.


That's the scary thing--it's coming directly from China. In my case it didn't hurt, but you are rolling the dice.
Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
March 29, 2017 09:03PM
I really appreciate the input from you guys. I'm trying to come up with some alternative course of treatment that doesn't involve taking a lot of drugs, which don't seem to be helping anyway. I've made an appointment with an acupuncturist/Doctor of Oriental Medicine for next week, and want to see what she has to say. There are some Chinese herbal stores in the Tampa Bay area, and based on what she has to say, I may be able to find something locally and not have to rely on shipment from China. I will certainly keep posting information regarding this, especially if I find something that works.

Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
March 31, 2017 05:51PM
If you think Wenxin Keli tastes bad, which I don't 'cos I'm used to it and consider it rather pleasant, then you have to try full strength traditional chinese herbals that you brew at home! Engine sump oil tastes as good. Had to hold my nose to get it down and used to have partial throw-ups. But, like everything, you get used to it if you have resolve, and eventually began to even look forward to the daily ritual. I found it worked rather good after 3 months. The herbalist told me that on my first appointments I had very little color in my face, and I can believe that as the Afib was awful. The herbs were very expensive though.

Jackie, you are right about the lack of known quality control, and I often thought about it. But compared to what 2-3 Afib sessons of 36 hours each per week, the potential consequences were with the Afib. I didn't have a life before trying Chinese herbs.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/31/2017 05:53PM by phill.
Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
March 31, 2017 09:15PM
Thanks for your comments Phill. I will bear that in mind, but first, I think I'm going to try to get an appointment with Dr. Natale in Austin and see what he has to say. Everybody on here seems so knowledgeable about Afib, and it makes me realize how little I know about something that I've been dealing with for almost 3 years. However, I will say that after reading a lot of the posts on this site, I am becoming more aware of what's going on with my heart on a daily basis.

Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
April 02, 2017 11:21AM
As you indicate Irma, dealing and deciding treatments for Afib is a very personalized thing. I've had three ablations myself and the chinese herbs were first used 3 years after the last of the surgery.
Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
June 02, 2017 02:07PM
Last year i was diagnose with AFib. Lone Afib to be precise. Was given Bisoprolol fumarate. Dont like taking drugs.Would like to know anyone else try wenxin keli?
Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
October 10, 2017 06:09PM
Hi Phil,

I have been suffering from Afib for the last 15 years, nice to know this forum is out there.

With regards to Wenxin Keli, can you recommend or suggest any reputable suppliers or links where I can order.

Would appreciate your feedback.


Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
November 12, 2017 12:45PM

I do not frequent this forum much these days, so I only just saw your post.

I have purchased online from www.wenxinkeli.com

Takes several weeks for delivery to Aussie. From memory, they take a month off from fulfilling orders around Chinese New Year.
Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
November 13, 2017 06:35PM
Hi Phil

Thank you for coming back to me and the link.

I wouldn't know how much to order and how much to take and how long it will last bearing in mind the shipping period would be 4-6 weeks to Ireland if I had to order if I ran short.

Would you be able to shed some light on this as I would not know how much to order, any suggestion's?

Really appreciate your feedback.


Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
February 22, 2019 04:02PM
Hi Phill, I'm not very good with the forum stuff, saw your posts and was wondering how you are doing, thoughts on wenlexin, and diet. I've had AFib over 20 years, 2017 was bad, was going to do ablation in 2018, but loosing weight and diet seems to make it bearable again, I was just wondering on where you are at now, and thoughts since your posts are similar to where I'm at
Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
February 01, 2020 08:22PM
Hi Jog,

The Wenxin Keli I eventually dropped as it did not agree with me for extended use.

Losing weight reduces the AF conduction pathways in the heart.

I followed the Dr Wallach AF treatment advice (search YouTube) and after 5 years of sustained effort, the AF (two or three times per week despite 4 ablations) reduced and now has gone for the last 9+ months despite indulging in my dietary AF triggers. I did not buy his supplements, but followed his ideas. Went to a chiropractor to fix the spine.

Dr Wallach gives advice on diet, which I try to follow.

Every day the heart thinks about its history of AF while I consume a trigger to test it, but decides there is no need for AF any more. There are none of the heavy random beats that used to occur while in NSR. From the other side, I am only realizing how much the 22 years of AF affected my life by placing me in survival mode (3 years was in NSR with the ablations). The very thought makes me avoid reading this forum.
Re: Wenxin Keli for Afib
July 17, 2020 04:37PM
Wenxin Keli It IS effective...

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