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Back home
June 21, 2015 07:33AM
Well back home which is good, in NSR I think which is even better but I do get runs of what I would call 'skipping' so am on Flecanide and Bisoprolol for a month. A much longer procedure than expected, I think I went to the lab at 3 pm and was able to text badly at about 1 am the next day but there was time for final preparations and I have no idea how long I was in 'Recovery Ward' and Sabine Ernst has a reputation for taking as much time as she thinks is needed). Apparently very easy to tip me into Afib and she is pretty sure I have had frequent short episodes of which we were all unaware. Atrium is 'severely enlarged' meaning 52mm + diameter I think.

I thought I was overplaying my hand going to see her in reality I would probably have been referred to her anyway since I suspect not many EPs would not ablate with such a large Atrium? Even fewer would do so successfully?? Strict instructions about taking it easy, no bike riding for 2 weeks no long bike rides until September. I can work remotely at my computer but not to go into work during rush hour.

Apart from doing as I am told (not a normal strength) I am looking at what else I can change mostly around diet and maybe twiddling supplementation.
Re: Back home
June 25, 2015 02:47PM
Les, Glad you had Ernst at the controls. I was looking back at your questions when you first came to the forum. Now I wonder if your very frequent "ectopics" were actually short duration AF causing enlargement of LA. You were definitely at the high end of the range on LA diameter. Best wishes for NSR.
Re: Back home
June 26, 2015 04:51AM
Yes possibly, but they a have proved hard to capture. It is was Sabine Ernst thinks is a possibility and I had been picked up as having slow AF at one point which felt no different to my 'normal' ectopy. So I noticed my fast AF )total of about 6 episodes) but not necessarily short duration (and nocturnal?) slow AF. A complicating factor is that my P wave is sometimes tiny or absent and some Practitioners then misdiagnose AF. Les
Re: Back home
June 26, 2015 12:57PM

It's not too infrequent for some folks to have short bursts of AFIB mixed in with longer easier to discriminate runs of AFIB as well so you could be more or less in that camp... Or were let's hope!! Congrats on your major big step toward ultimate freedom and hopefully you are already home free!

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