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Bay Area ablation experts

Posted by fiat127 
Bay Area ablation experts
May 26, 2015 06:08PM

I finally learned 2 months ago that my rapid heart rate episodes are Afib. I get lone episode every 3-4 weeks that starts at night and ends after 8-12 hours on its own. After learning the risks associated, I decided to go the ablation way and I am now trying to figure out who/where will perform the procedure. I am aware of the fact that experience and expertise are key factors to the high success rates and low complication rates. I would like to hear from patients in bay area who had ablation done by Dr. Hinkle from Silicon Valley Cardiology.
Re: Bay Area ablation experts
May 26, 2015 07:44PM
Four years and almost 3 months ago, I had an ablation performed by Dr Rob Patrawala from Silicon Valley Cardiology. To date, I've been in NSR since then. Fingers crossed!

Re: Bay Area ablation experts
May 27, 2015 12:47PM
Take a look at the UCSF and Natale trained associates at CPMC in San Francisco; still in practice with Dr. Natale: Steven Hao & Richard Hongo.


Re: Bay Area ablation experts
May 27, 2015 01:15PM
Thanks Gordon... From many years past, we have several dozens of people going to Drs Hao and Hongo and reporting back with success stories. Dr. Natale is there also on a special schedule.

Re: Bay Area ablation experts
May 28, 2015 02:53AM
I had an ablation at CPMC with Dr. Natale about 3 weeks. All is well so far. I found it quite easy to get an appointment with Dr. Natale and would highly recommend him.

Re: Bay Area ablation experts
May 29, 2015 02:52PM
Hi Fiat 127,

Several of the folks at Silicon Valley are quite expert EPs... I think you meant Dr Roger Winkle rather than a 'Dr Hinkle' (unless someone by that name is now at Silicon Valley too?) And Dr Winkle is the director of Silicon Valley and he is a skilled ablationist and a fine man from all reports.

While interviewing too in the area, be aware that Dr Andrea Natale does ablation there one week out of each month and he is also a very charming and reassuring physician and just happens to be the singular most experienced ablationist in the world with a highly enviable track record to boot. Since you mentioned your awareness of the need for lots of experience in an ablationist you choose, there certainly are a number to choose from in the Bay Area, including the planets most experienced of all. So you should be in good shape all around.

Best wishes,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/03/2015 04:14PM by Shannon.
Re: Bay Area ablation experts
May 29, 2015 03:07PM
HI Shannon,

You are right. I meant Dr. Winkle. I am aware of Dr. Natale who received on this board many recommendations.

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